How do I keep the gap clear or how can I get my neighbor to allow a new fence on the property line (since he has 2 large dogs it cant come down without his participation)? Texas residents can register for a library account online! This, as many people know, can be a whole other issue, and information on the collection can be found on your local county court self-help website. Can a neighbor remove a fence? At the beginning of March I put a notice on there door that were replacing the fence with a textured vinyl fence. We asked if we could pay for a gate to be put into the fence at our cost so we could have access to the area. Therefore the law states that this fence is not benefitting your neighbor. As long as he cuts only the parts of the tree that goes over to his own side of the fence, he can do so without having to ask for your permission. I have a 5 acre property with no HOA or perimiter fence requirements. The principle is, while property owners are not obligated to build or maintain a fence unless there was a prior agreement in . requires a neighbor to get a minimum of 3 estimates and chose from those accordingly based on price, experience, warranty, etc. Our backyard neighbors dont trim their trees (70 feet high) or their shrubs and now a few sections of the fence are leaning in our backyard due to the foliage pushing against and through the fence. When your property borders with another fencing can be tricky. Once your neighbor sees that you are suing him for considerably more than half the cost of the fence that you initially requested he will likely want to pay you the initial amount immediately. Agreements between neighbors can also exempt one of them from sharing the cost of a fence. Do they have the right to force us to sign their agreement to allowour work to start? -Was the wall there from the very beginning when the houses were built or is it because of some type of new construction? It is entirely visible on their side. Fence it up and intact. Today let us look at how to handle a situation where a neighbor will not pay half of fence in Texas. look no further than Texas Fence. Who knows, if this were allowed to take place a neighbor could hire their cousin lets say and pay him whatever fee and then later claim the costs were way higher than actually paid in order to make him or his family member/ associate some extra money. This can cause conflict, particularly where a fence you built is actually in your neighbour's yard. It is less than 30 days out should I still provide him with a notice to do the work only and not seek payment? The fence is solely your responsibility. Award limits vary by state: $1,500 in Kentucky to $15,000 in Tennessee. There are three main definitions: Occupancy: use of the land up to the fence Nat, I am slightly confuseddo you mean none of the fence contractors are willing to take on the job without both homeowners consent? That can be an indicator of a problematic neighbor. area let me know and Ill go talk to him! If they refuse, you can go to a mediator in order to try to get them to pay their share of the cost. Peoples experiences do differ though as some go on to have the best neighbors. Our good neighor fence was damaged when their yard shed became a projectile because it was in bad repair , not anchored to a base . The equal sharing of obligations does not stop at installation. The neighbor does not want to share the cost to fix it, and states it is my sole responsibility. The neighbor paying (if you are not splitting the cost) would have the right to insist that the good side be pointed towards his yard. Can I build a fence on my side of the property line? I think it was never our intent to have a fence and continue to advocate for no fence. But did not want to go through our contractors. Neighbors dont always have to share the cost of a fence. The main one being, that they dont benefit from the erection of said fence. The neighbor is requesting I pay for all the materials which is half the estimate and she and her handyman friend will do the work. Unless your neighbor agrees to maintain his side of the fence, its your responsibility as the new fence builder to maintain both sides. Well, its simpler than that. When a neighbor refuses to pay half of the fence, be careful. You must then pay the contractor in full. They always ignored them, I eventually thought they just dont care and I made it clear Im not looking for any money if they cant afford it. Whoever holds legal title is presumed to be the owner unless and until the adverse possessor can meet that burden. A final option is to erect a new fence on your own land at your own expense, alongside your neighbour's old one. To keep the peace, we planted shrubs that created a barrier between our lawn and THEIR fence, so nobody can get to their fence from our side. If the failure is due to encroachment by my neighbors trees, should they bear the full cost? Please let everyone know if you have any ideas as to another route to take. No fences. Fence Height Rules. Whether or not your neighbor ends up covering half, some, or none of your new . Well, I wish I could give you better advice but the matter is in your neighbors hands. Yes, the 30 day timeline still applies, but I would have to imagine a judge would take the extenuating circumstances into account. The neighbor and his fence company will then need to do what any reputable company would do and fix it to make sure both adjoining neighbors are 100% satisfied with the final fence. ), As he approached my wife in such a critical harsh manner I feel less inclined to offer him anything. Contact your local government. and defecate on them. Hope this fully answers your question, if you have any further questions please let us know. In a way we can say there is no law in Texas that explicitly governs the sharing of costs for boundary fences. The neighbor wants me to replace the fence and pay for it 100%, saying this is not a boundary fence. Yes, you can pay your neighbor to pay half. Such a notice usually stipulates the type of fence to be installed, costs of installation, and the need for the neighbor to pay for half of the costs. when we started doing the siding work. My Neighbour refuses to pay for the dividing fence If your neighbour refuses your requests, whether verbally or in writing, you can send a 'fencing notice' to your neighbour This is a legal document specific to your state that sets out the proposed works and provides a timeframe to respond. They have refused, saying that that dont want us to have free access to their property-we would literally only have to take 4-5 steps on their property to get to our our property under the stairs. Texas Best Fence & Patio 426 Southfork Dr Lewisville, Texas 75057 Phone: (972) 245-0640. If so, is it exactly on the property line? After all, as Robert Frost once said, "good fences make good neighbors." Practice good fence etiquette - learn the law, talk to your neighbors, and be as respectful and considerate as possible along the way. Therefore he would have had proof that you received a notice and chose to ignore it. While height limits vary from state to state, the general height limit is 4 feet for front fences and 6 feet for rear fences. A new fence is going up tomorrow. Monday. The first thing that you should do is talk to them and explain the effect that the fence is having on your home. The fence cost more, because of the extra lumber to make both sides look good. This is because you have absolute building rights to build whatever structure you want on your own property. I asked a contractor how much to tear down my older wooden fence. We wanted to replace it and he said we need 3 bids, my wife worked for months to get 3 bids and when we presented him with these he promptly said he could not afford to replace the fence. If she fails to respond, you will then go ahead with the construction (just make sure and inform her the days they will be replacing the fence in case she has dogs, etc.) On the invoice, the contractor put good neighbor fence. Is this considered a good neighbor fence under these circumstances? I have a shared fence with my neighbor and we plan to share the cost of the fence equally. Now we are stuck and the cost is adding everyday to put home on market for sale. We never had any retaining concrete wall, just the fence besides our plant bed that separates the two properties. It is generally preferred because it charts a more amicable path to a satisfactory resolution among neighbors. This usually happens in cases where: However, in order for a neighbor to be able to be compelled to pay their share of the costs, they need to be using the fence. Here is how it works. Without consulting us they decided to remove their fence and replace it with a six foot vinyl fence. I call upset that he has been pettt by ignoring not just me and my mother but the 2 contractors we tired to hire for this shared fence. Ive got all my quotes and now guess what.. none of them will agree to the job unless both homeowners consent! If they don't agree to repair it, take your fence dispute to small claims court. We are not even able to find someone to plow anymore. Neighbor wont negotiate further and wants me to pay half now to a terrible looking mismatch. And if that doesnt work, they will then allocate two independent mediators to help you reach an agreement. Please take our patron satisfaction survey! Unfortunately there is a gap of 10 to 12 inches between the fences and all kinds of weeds, bushes and trees are growing inside. If it is on your property and you are sure of it (please make 100% sure) then yes you can go ahead and do whatever you want with it, such as tear it down. Copyright by the Texas State Law Library. I will now finish the fence, pay 100%, block his view of my yard, and recapture my privacy. If the fence is a "division fence", and a property owner wants to request contribution from a neighbor for a portion of the fence cost, Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP has a package of four letters to request contribution from the neighbor. Therefore, if you hit a negotiation roadblock with your neighbor, the first thing that you should do is to visit a local office of their offices and present your case. Here is the Actual Law for those of you who like reading this sort of stuff CIVIL CODE Section 841, And for those of you who would rather read a laymans description of the California Good Neighbor Fence Law, here goes. However, there are times when property deeds assign fence maintenance responsibilities. Any other way will show you up as the impolite, inconsiderate, crass and selfish person that you really are. Brian, sounds like you have it pretty much figured out. Neighbor and I share a panel/lattice on top fence for most of our shared fencing. Also a small child or animal could possibly get into his yard and get in his pool. I figure if its on mine I have complete control although I will most likely make enemies with my neighbor. Yet, since you werent even the homeowner at the time of replacement, I would say in my best judgment that they have no legal standing against you. There was nothing wrong with previous wood fence it had while home was in escrow. Shouldnt we have a right to easily access our own property? The fence has deteriorated and a section has fallen over. It came thru the fence and nearly thru the fwnce on the OTHER side of my yard . If they are not, they might just come up with some excuse to not pay anything. He may not enter the neighbor's property to trim or destroy the tree. We cant move forward with the project without the fence removed. They said that they would give us permission when we asked, to enter their backyard by their stairs on the other side of their house, which would then involve us or workers to have to cross their whole backyard, which is an artificial grass putting green! If you go down this route your neighbour should . I know this sounds very complicated and it is, so please try and answer the questions to the best of your ability! The wood fence is failing and needs repair or replace but we have zero need for that privacy fence meeting their HOA requirements. Are they responsible for paying for half of the fence that runs along their easement, even if the fence doesnt border their yard? The whole development had to hire their own landscapers to do their front yards. I kind of felt backed into a corner and found myself becoming a bit defensive to where I dont even wanna deal with this representative for the rental company. From the way you have explained it, I would predict you are not going to be responsible whatsoever. I dont know why she says that. My gate is set back from the street more than my neighbors. Theyre so close that the trunks of the trees have pushed against the lower fence rail and caused the fence to separate from one of the posts and lean into my yard. Or can I break down the fence that only covers his backyard ( since his property line goes passed mine in the back yard) because if Im not getting paid for that extra 18-15ft can I re use the wood for a gate on my property. In short, each owner has to pay one-half of the cost of maintaining or replacing the fence. I told him that this was not my fence, and explained the history. How is this even possible? He also damaged a small two foot retaining wall that serves in that corner of my yard as a decorative feature as well as a way to halt erosion. Mediation - some cities have a third party that will adjudicate the situation to ensure equitable relief. I text him to have proof and he calls me to answer do I have no write that he agree to go half. If you dont agree to her doing the job, which I would be very wary of and personally would never allow, then she has no choice but to pay for it all herself or you guys use a different contractor. Usually in small claims if it is under the max amount in your state (usually around 10-15k). The neighbor isn't responsible for fallen leaves or acorns, since those are natural occurrences, but you can trim branches that extend onto your property. Good luck! She does not want to do it that way. They will help you accurately identify the property lines. That or they will have to take it to small claims court where you will then be able to plead your side and hopefully you have kept pictures, notes, correspondence between you and neighbor as all this will be very important to your court case. Does this mean both neighbors are responsible for the cost of the retaining wall as well? , 72 S.W. then more than likely a judge is going to side with you. It wouldnt be fair for you to pay for the whole fence, and the law is clear that you dont have to. Make sure you know how to check if tree roots are gumming up your sewer line. The second option is to install the dividing fence on the property line anyway. A backyard fence that splits the property lines between neighbors is called a boundary fence. Fight it until the very end! He cannot cause it to rust without paying up at least a share of the damage. I enjoy what I see, therefore Ive decided to follow you. I had contacted my neighbor twice that we need to get the fence fix. First off, it might end up looking funny as often different fence companies use different grades of wood from different suppliers as well as have their own building techniques which may not match the other contractors. Even after studying the plat, most people still build their new fence a couple of feet inside the boundary line, just to be on the safe side. 32 of additional fence along the property line serves the neighbor alone as his gate is closer to the front of his house. If so, the fence is a shared responsibility. One of the most contentious aspects of properties neighboring each other is property lines. Practical, easy-to-understand answers to questions about common legal issues. I never paid any attention to it until he but he recently attached a 3 foot rod iron fence to extend the fence to the sidewalk in which he put on his property. I stated I was not the owner at the time, but I was willing to pay half. Apparently our fence was in bad shape, and the townhouses owners wanted it removed because they thought it was ugly. In this scenario, would the State law trump the city? Am I responsible for half of 75 of fence on the property line, or only half of 43 of fence that serves me? The neighbor verbally agreed to this via texts and I sent quotes via texts. Property Owners' Association research guide, Section 202.022 of the Texas Property Code, Section 202.023 of the Texas Property Code, POA Power Shift Legislature Gives Property Owners More Rights. I would imagine it will not be built as well as a professional could do, therefore down the road, it will likely fail much sooner! The fence between my property and my neighbors property is down. I sent the neighbors a demand letter as they would not answer the door to us for several months of trying (nearly a dozen times). Thus, a landowner is not required to share in the costs or maintenance of a fence built by his or her neighbor. You will just have to go ahead and erect the fence. In certain counties or residential areas there can be ordinances regarding that. In most states, your neighbor cannot make you pay for the fence if it is solely their fence. First off, the biggest one is if everything you say is correct, there was not a valid reason to replace the fence in the first place. Such a bizarre situation, youd think that any homeowner in their right mind would prefer a fixed fence over one that is collapsed. If a fence falls over and it in-closes his backyard, but not my front yard, other than being on the property line. And after you are done, you can write a demand letter to your neighbor requiring that they reimburse you their share of the costs. Nolan v. Mendere. This has been on going for 3 years. Part of our fence fell down last year we contacted the gentelman who owns the home ( its a rental) and has a pool. We were both in agreement to pay half each. It seems irresponsible to not include other information that might leave you stuck with the bill. (Part 1), Texas Fence Law: Open Range.Or Not? This is if you dont take the proper steps leading up to the construction of the fence. Yes it will unfairly benefit them but the primary reason for erecting it is for your property. This is so especially in cases where one neighbor is under the impression that the fence is more beneficial to the other neighbor or that they altogether do not need it. The quotes Ive gotten for a survey are from $750 to >$6000 depending on how much work they need to do, well in excess of the cost of replacing that portion of the fence. Certified letter of intent I have offered to help with the labor and split the cost 50/50. To be safe, install your fence 1-2 feet inside the official boundary lines. The judge will side with you; you are in the right in this case! Your neighbor is not legally required to pay half of the fence. Boundary line disputes may arise between adjoining neighbors for a variety of reasons. While rare, adverse possessionis a legal concept that allows a trespasser sometimes a stranger but more often a neighbor to gain legal title over the land of a property owner. They told me that as long as I dont pay then Im not allowed to touch their wall at all and they were going to take me to small claims for them to collect what I owed them. There hasnt been any communication at all from my neighbor Out of the 9 houses only 4 are year round. This year the fence is leaning towards our house and part of the fence is on the ground, my wife got 3 bids and has contacted a contractor to build a new fence she sent a letter to the gentleman to tell him we are going to replace the fence and He sent us an e mail and I quote as for sending me a bill for my portion of the fence, since I personaly did not agree to participate in the replacement there for I will not pay anything. Texas Fence Law: Open Range.or Not? That is unfair because they can benefit from something they did not pay for. If your neighbor refuses to pay for his share then you could do any of the following: Put it in writing - send him a well written letter describing the issue. If it pre-existed and is on your side of the property line, it is your sole responsibility. keeping dogs/ children, etc. If your neighbor says no to your informal approach, the next step should be to get an estimate of the cost of the fence from a contractor. This is because if you erect a fence it will simultaneously benefit the neighbor. Today I go into my yard to find our shared fence down! Would have to agree with Potential Customer partly. The only issue that will come into play is the short notice period or your case would be a slam dunk.. Are they willing to contribute something towards the fence? The amount to pay is not a small amount and it can take a long time to collect. Generally, a person is considered by law to be using a fence if they are using their land up to the fence. He has planted shrubs and now most of the water for those shrubs in between our shared fence and his retaining wall is over saturating my soil, the fence post and baseboards. There are many reasons disputes may arise between neighbors when it comes to fences. I told him I would also throw my neighbor a bone. We both had existing wooden fences, about 12 apart. If there are extenuating circumstances, try to collect evidence to support your defense. When traffic sight distances are impaired. Whos responsible? Yes, there are no provisions in the statute to account for one neighbors actions, i.e. The service will then contact your neighbor and inform them of the fact that they have been contacted in relation to the boundary fence. I hope the business property has to clean up and replace it. Also, in this ambivalent neighbor scenario, your neighbor is under no obligation to put any money towards your new fence, even if he/she derives some benefit from it. If the existing fence is within your property, you can replace it with whatever type of fence you want and at your expense, although you should let the neighbors know of your plans in advance of replacement. I have a shared fence with my neighbor and we plan to share the cost of a new fence equally since it collapsed with strong winds a few months ago. I dont want to get taken to court over this, but my other concern is I am struggling as is, and can no way afford to give our neighbors $3,000 for a fence. As I just stated I would be very hesitant to allow her to build the fence for two reasons. Despite this, many neighbors will downright refuse to pay a penny towards the costs. My fence completely encloses my back garden and is a corner lot. According to the law, you do have the responsibility to pay for half of a shared fence. There is a fence that runs right through our parcel it is aprox. Your situation is one I have not directly encountered yet, so I will give you my best educated answer, yet please check with a lawyer to be 100% positive. What options do I have? Make a demand to the neighbor for half of the costs. If the neighbor refuses seek legal guidance. Best to have a survey done. We offered to replace it along the Western boundary as a courtesy and allow their cattle to continue to graze on our prospective land. Even more important than that is I believe many contractors would not want to get involved with something such as this due to another company building part of a fence they built, so if there are problems down the road, all of a sudden they might take the blame for another companies poor workmanship. Our neighbor just built a fence on the property line without any discussion with us that separates our 2 lower side yards, so we now have no access to the area under our side stairs. -Was the retaining wall initially required because the lower neighbor graded their property and therefore it was their responsibility to provide support to the uphill neighbor whose natural support they cut away during the grading and leveling of the property. In a way we can say there is no law in Texas that explicitly governs the sharing of costs for boundary fences. It does not extend the full length of the front yard (only about 15 feet of 45 or so). If you refuse to pay, your landlord can deduct the fence repairs from your security deposit. Tuesday. Having said this I can see where he is coming from, many people are still on the fence as to whether they like the look of vinyl fence yet. Hope this helps, let me know if you have any more questions! How are we doing? Observe boundaries: Don't risk having to tear down that fence by going even one inch over your property line. If you need help figuring out the rules and guidelines that apply when it comes to dividing fences in your area, getting in touch with a local expert is the best option.
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