After struggling to coordinate with each other while invisible, the pair moved close enough to the house for Nott to message them to come in. The party reluctantly attacked Caleb, realizing he'd been charmed, and he cast a Wall of Fire to defend himself. See 1x130 from 2:40:55 through 2:41:12. He also went to the sultress Academy, a school that Fjord, Travis Willinghams character wanted to get into. Whether the Gentleman saw this as a betrayal on Caleb's part is unclear. Caleb - He's a variant human and is proficient in (at least) Arcana, History, Insight, and Investigation. They instead commandeered a ship, kidnapped Marius, and killed most of the crew. Caleb loves books and is almost constantly reading them. Caleb told Essek that the Nein trusted him more than Trent, which moved Essek. Caleb recognized his former teacher Master Trent Ikithon as one of two flying mages pursuing the Kryn Dynasty infiltrators responsible for the explosion. They were both raised in the Dwendalian Empire, but think it is a flawed nation and want to actively make things better for the people of the Empire, especially if it means dismantling the current power structure. Caleb became suspicious of Fjord and his motives and noticed that his accent sometimes changed. When Fjord confessed to the party that he had broken his pact with Uk'otoa and was now powerless, Caleb gave Fjord his Glove of Blasting. "The Threads Converge" (2x85) [art 6], 2020 Calebs winter outfit, by Ari. Caleb told the party that they could sleep safely inside the bubble and no one would be kidnapped again. He'll 100% avoid something that he doesn't like rather than deal with it. To help her escape, Caleb Polymorphed Beau into a wooly mammoth. Caleb and Yasha are friends. [164] Gradually, it was revealed that his long term goal when he met the Mighty Nein had been to change time to erase his murder of his parents. The spell was successful, but he felt guilty afterward. Beau approached Caleb and apologized for the previous night. Caleb and Beau awakened with another red eye each. The two are also the dedicated researchers of the group and will team up when trying to solve a problem. Stats He wondered out loud why he was still with the Mighty Nein. He has since realized that the more patriotic thing to do, and a better way to honor his parents, would be to make sure that the corruption of children by the Empire is stopped. Caleb suggested that all they could do is try to leave something better in the world. He admitted for the first time that his real name was Bren Aldric Ermendrud. They also share a sharp analytical mind and vast general knowledge, especially when it comes to history. "Welcome to Cognouza" (2x137) She then walked him upstairs and tucked him into bed. He got 2 of those from Wizard, and 1 from Variant Human. She offered to shave him with her greatsword, and he accepted. As the party fled, Cree tried to cast Slow, but was Counterspelled by Fjord, who was counter-Counterspelled by Otis, who was counter-counter-Counterspelled by Caleb. He allowed them to see a few rooms on the eighth floor, including a reproduction of Caleb's childhood home and one of the Nestled Nook Inn in Trostenwald, where the party first met. When it came out that Caleb was a wizard, Jester asked him if he was planning on attending the Soltryce Academy. [52], His mother and father were incredibly poor, to the point that he once said they hadn't made fifty gold in their entire lives, though this may have been an exaggeration. "A Dangerous Chase" (2x64) Also known as Caleb was miraculously not injured at all in this fight. [174], Fan art of Caleb, by Minttu Hynninen. When the Mighty Nein joined the crew of the Squalleater, Caleb took on the role of apprentice navigator. (2x36) So one of those (and anything else he's proficient in but hasn't come up) is from his background. caleb widogast [critical role] i am going to tell you the story of how i murdered my mother and father 45Pins 3y Collection by jenna Dark Acedemia Light In The Dark Witch Aesthetic Book Aesthetic Witchy Academia Aesthetic Vintage Books Aesthetic Dark Magic Library Aesthetic Dark Academia Aesthetic Pictures Dark Academia Pictures Cats and books. "Into the Eye" (2x131) "Ice and Fire" (2x121) Caleb Widogast Yasha shared that the party's forgiveness was harder to deal with than anger would be and she didn't know how to handle it. One of the first indications of his goals was his hope that he would not let his parents down. A small turtle statue sculpted by Jester as a child. That night, as he slept in a cellar under the Leaky Tap and guarded the beacon, Caleb had a strange dream about possible future Calebs. When Trent Ikithon gave his students the final task of killing their parents who were supposedly traitors to the Dwendalian Empire, Caleb "broke" when he heard his parents screaming inside their flaming house. Connections Critter blog keeping track of monster stats, crits, and anything else that can be quantified on Critical Role. ", "Well, my social anxiety is getting the best of me; I'm taking a walk. Caleb is attracted to both men and women. Caleb proposed to the group that they try to stop the war by "cutting the cancer" out of his homeland. [57] During this time, Caleb discovered that people did not pay attention to poor, dirty wanderers and maintained a disheveled appearance to escape notice. While claiming rooms in the Xhorhaus, Caleb chose the only bedroom on the ground floor of the home. [80], Fan art of Caleb casting fire, by Matt Hubel. While voyaging to Eiselcross, the party were attacked by more minions of Uk'otoa. "Punishment and Politics" (2x87) 2018 Official full body portrait of Caleb Widogast, by Ari. After a long, hard battle against the Iron Shepherds, Caleb got the How do you want to do this? "Fair-weather Faith" (2x123) Privacy. His outfit has changed a few times, but most of the time he wears long coats and scarfs. A fellow patient "laid hands" on him and took the clouds away, and he realized that the memories of his parents planning treason were false, implanted by Trent. Nott gave Caleb a Scroll of Invisibility and shared a bit about her old life with him. 18 Fan art of Caleb's dream with the beacon, by Megzilla87. [art 2] on the gorgon, despite it using its last legendary resistance to succeed on its saving throw against Widogast's Web of Fire. On the way out of town, he and Fjord recognized a kindred adult nature that the other members of the group lacked. [art 19], "The Favor" (2x56) The Mighty Nein Origins: Caleb Widogast. [art 36], At the Diver's Grave, Fjord was curious about the purpose and power of Dashilla's altar, and urged Caleb to explore it. Caleb greeted him as they were leaving, saying it was good to see him again. Apparently alone, Nott told Caleb that she had a confession: a while back, she wrote a letter to Astrid. After encountering a canoloth and an aeorian nullifier, the party fled downward through the crater, Fjord and Caleb casting Fly on themselves and shepherding the rest of the Nein, who are under the effect of Veth's Feather Fall. "Labenda Awaits" (2x20) "Worth Fighting For" (2x126) When Fjord got pulled into the stained glass window in the library, Caleb searched for a way to help him rather than explore or take books. "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained" (2x122) As Master Dungeon, where will your story ? "Hunted at Sea" (2x100) She provided several floor plan drawings showing wards and traps near the vault. Stream She felt he could get revenge, or even redemption, and do good to counteract the bad he'd done in his past. The remaining party members decided it was best to bury Molly. Character Information Caleb attempted to keep Lucien from entering the Tower, and was angered when Lucien dispelled it. It was being referred to as "Dunamis."[74]. In one instance, Caleb invited Luc to help him work on his teleportation sigil. He was suspicious of Fjord's brief lapse into a British accent. [94], As revealed in "Fond Farewells" (2x141), Caleb continued to work with the Cobalt Soul to deal with the Cerberus Assembly. Caleb, Fjord, and Caduceus went out for fish and chips, and talked about destiny and fate, their obligation to try to stop Tharizdun even if it meant their deaths, their growing attachment to the group, and their sense of duty to try to rescue Yasha from Obann. He is played by Liam O'Brien . Nott talked to Caleb about her insecurities about her reunion with Yeza, asking if she was a bad person for continuing adventuring and expressing doubt if she wanted to go back to being a housewife. Yasha was eventually able to break the charm by wounding Caleb. While the form that would take had evolved, he knew he wanted to put a stop to the Empire's recruitment and brutalization of its children. Caleb told Nott that he didn't want to kill her, but he thought that in time, he could restore her. The rest of the party followed suit and gave Fjord several of their magic items. Caleb Widogast, born Bren Aldric Ermendrud, is a human wizard and a member of the adventuring party known as the Mighty Nein. [167] However, after they encountered Ikithon in their audience before King Dwendal, he stated that although he had imagined choking the life from Ikithon, he now thought they needed to work with him. He can prepare up to 22 of these spells per day. Seeing his oldest friend turn on him, and the potential crumbling of the wall of secrecy he had maintained, Caleb vomited in the middle of the floor. Your letter will be around 250 words long, size a5. Frumpkin (familiar)Veth Brenatto (best friend)Astrid Becke (ex-girlfriend)Eadwulf Grieve (ex-boyfriend)[11]Trent Ikithon (former instructor)Jannik (former pet moorbounder)Essek Thelyss (dunamancy teacher, boyfriend, life-long friend) Mighty Nein (member) The Revelry (former member) 17 "Hell or High Water" (2x136) While sailing to the peace negotiations, Caleb revealed to Fjord that he valued his new-found family with the Mighty Nein because he had killed his own for those in power in the Empire. After carrying Caduceus to safety, Caleb dropped the spell and cast Wall of Fire between Fjord and Yasha. # LAURA Put it on, Caleb. He was able to identify and dispel a trap in a "bad armoire". Age [41], At the beginning of the story, Caleb had very "sticky fingers" when it came to magical objects and would try to take anything magical if he thought he could get away with it. Yes, I was a student of the. 16 After the group released Thuron, Caleb was instrumental in regaining possession of the beacon, using a disguise and Friends to take it from a guard. From their personality, goals, relationships, and what kind of archetype of a character Caleb is. and Caleb eventually told her, "It's too late.". She let them off without penalty. "Where There Is a Will" (2x138) He confronted Lucien about the Nein being held captive, and persuaded him to let Beau and himself read from Lucien's book. Official 2020 portrait of Caleb, by Ari. Caleb was one of the Mighty Nein members to take part in the Hour of Honor drinking competition. During his revivification, Caleb held Fjord's head in his lap. [106] Caleb knows that Frumpkin prefers to be in cat form, but is willing to change him to other forms when necessary. "Welcome to the Jungle" (2x38) In an attempt to lure Vokodo out of his lair, Caleb set fire to several ships of his armada. They then teleported to the Vergesson Sanitorium- the asylum Caleb spent several years in- to investigate the beacon the Empire was experimenting with. Later that night, the Mighty Nein went to the Restless Wharf, in hopes of spying on and perhaps interrogating Marius LePual. He has also supported her and helped come up with solutions when Veth shared her doubts about staying with the Mighty Nein versus living with her husband and son. Before Caleb spent a decade in an asylum, he was an evocation wizard. [77] While Fjord and Avantika talked privately in her quarters, Caleb spied on their conversation through Frumpkin the tiny owl. When the Mistake began sinking due to a puncture in the hull, Caleb cast Leomund's Tiny Hut to seal the breach. For the rest of his life, he taught, not only Luc Brenatto, but also at Veth's summer camp for young adventurers, and at the Soltryce Academy. "The Neverending Day" (2x125) "The Chase Begins" (2x112) Forty seconds later, a massive cat's claw slams through the center stained glass window and into the cathedral interior, initiating combat. They leaped onto a giant gear and rode it until they were able to be rescued by Jester. Initially, their interactions mostly involved teasing from Jester. "Temple of the False Serpent" (2x39) While exploring the temple interior, the party discovered inscriptions on the walls that couldn't be deciphered, even with Comprehend Languages. [art 27]. He also mentioned to Fjord that his sense of diplomacy had nothing to do with any magical gifts, but rather his persuasive nature. "Bathhouses and Bastions" (2x90) Caleb investigated Halas's laboratory for any magical items that could help them escape. Caleb told Essek they were friends now, and Essek responded, "I like that." He proposed taking Vess DeRogna's job offer to explore Eiselcross. Yasha then gave him a big hug. Afterwards, Caleb asked Essek to delay the Scourger's execution until the Mighty Nein returned from the North. The party Teleported back to Eiselcross where they reunited with Essek Thelyss, and suggested that they ally with Trent Ikithon for the coming battle against Lucien. She questioned them about their motives, as Empire kids, for being in the Kryn Dynasty, but nevertheless gave the Mighty Nein a job clearing an infestation of giants from Deepriver Mine. Caleb asked Yasha for advice on getting along with a group. [54] However, he came under the tutelage of the abusive Trent Ikithon a bit over a year later. He then successfully Polymorphed it into a sea slug. "The Gentleman's Path" (2x19) When Veth and Beau reiterated that they should punish Essek for his wrongdoings, Caleb was deeply disturbed by their vehemence and remained alone on the deck after the rest of the party had gone to bed. Pronouns [art 18]. [140] Caduceus is also one of the few members of the Mighty Nein that did not mind Caleb's smell, and thought he smelled "fantastic. While Caleb remained in Rexxentrum, teaching bright private students who had not been accepted at the Soltryce Academy and occasionally giving guest lectures there, he and Beauregard had attuned sending stones so he could communicate with her at her home in Zadash. Caleb and Beau discovered the eyes were giving them additional abilities, including darkvision and mild telepathy. Trent singled out three students from Bren's hometown (Bren, Eadwulf Grieve, and Astrid Becke), and used them in human experimentation, embedding crystals into their skin in an attempt to increase their power. Caleb and Jester removed the Threshold crest that Cree had placed within Cognouza, and Caduceus sent it into the Elemental Plane of Fire. Caleb has cast or is known to have copied the following spells into his spellbook: 17th-level wizards typically only know 5 cantrips. Race Kipo and the age of Wonderbeasts fanart. Caleb, Beau, and Jester went to a bakery in the Tri-Spires and then stopped by Chastity's Nook, a shop specializing in smutty literature. "Where The River Goes" (2x15) When Essek successfully attempted to utilize the crystal from the Rejuvenation Chamber to get a long rest for the party, Caleb assisted him. In Uthodurn, Caleb asked Jester to use Sending to contact Essek, asking him to try to keep the captured Scourger alive until he could question her. Fan art of the Ermendruds, by Saturnberries. Zemnian Human During the fight with the frost salamanders, Caleb Polymorphed into a giant ape. Astrid and Eadwulf came to the Lavish Chateau in disguise to warn the party that the Mighty Nein and their families were being pursued by Trent. She quietly told Caleb that Ludinus Da'leth had asked that they be tracked by the Volstrucker while in Eiselcross and that he knew the Nein were in town and that Vess DeRogna was dead. "Causatum" (2x70) Ads by Longitude. [130] Caleb admired Fjord's mind and his ability to get things done. "A Tangled Web" (2x77) 7 level 2 Chaotic Good[5]True Neutral (formerly)[6]Lawful Evil (formerly)[6][7] There, they were close friends, and at some point Bren entered into a serious romantic relationship with Astrid and Eadwulf when they all were in their late teens. Caleb met Astrid, who told him she had discovered that the bulk of the Volstrucker Amulets were kept in a small vault on the grounds of the Vergesson Sanatorium. At the end of their conversation, Caleb thought about staying, but left to return to the party. "A Fog Lifted" (2x106) Once the monsters were killed, Capeleb picked up Essek and waved him in front of the clerics, attempting to get them to heal him. [art 1] This survey allows you to completely personalise the letter to your wishes. "Dark Bargains" (2x83) She welcomed him, was seemingly honest in her responses to his questions, and invited him to stay longer. Through Frumpkin, Caleb witnessed Fjord speaking in his true accent before unlocking the second seal of Uk'otoa in the underwater temple beneath Gravid Archipelago. Caleb said he missed being clean-shaven. During the battle with Lucien in the Aether Crux, Caleb primarily used attacks manifested from his imagination, and attempted several times to reach out to Mollymauk. Caleb told her he was indeed Bren Aldric Ermendrud. When the party fell asleep that night, Caleb and Beau shared a dream of a massive glowing red eye that peered into them, while the sound of thousands of voices and screams, saying, "Welcome" echoed in their minds. Later that day, the Mighty Nein reunited with Essek at a Dynasty outpost near the main Aeor crash site. While investigating the cavern beneath the well in Asarius, Caleb was charmed by the succubus. [168] Caleb accepted Ikithon's invitation to dinner with the Mighty Nein, Ikithon, Astrid, and Eadwulf present, and Ikithon insinuated that Caleb's mental healing and escape from the Vergesson Sanatorium had been orchestrated by Ikithon to strengthen Caleb's potential as an eventual Cerberus Assembly member,[169] even if that meant he would attempt to kill Ikithon. When the party was surrounded by a group of Kobolds, Caleb tried to explain the situation. Though Jester healed him, Caleb passed out from blood loss, shouting "take them out!" The dinner was tense, culminating in Trent's revealing that he believed Bren had the potential to replace him as a member of the Cerberus Assembly. She warned that Ikithon was more likely to be there at night, and that it would be best to get in and out quickly and quietly. Caleb offered to do so in return for unspecified favor at some point in the future, and they both cut themselves and used their blood to activate the altar, stopping just before completing the ritual. He also has two red-eye tattoos, one between his shoulderblades and one on the front of his right shoulder. Powered by Squarespace. "Refjorged" (2x76) Caleb had a happy childhood in the farming community of Blumenthal, and was selected to attend the Soltryce Academy. Essek agreed to teleport the party to the Lotusden Greenwood, although there was a miscommunication about their precise destination. Fjord insisted again that he did not want to free the leviathan. See "The Mighty Nein Roll Hit Points for Level 15" at, This was a callback to Caduceus's parable of the green beans moving toward their purpose once planted, without knowing what that purpose was to be. [art 24], That afternoon, Caleb performed the Transmogrification ritual on Nott. Caleb cast his Nascent Nein-Sided Tower for the first time, and gave the party a tour of the inside. Can I trust you? Caleb and Beau read Lucien's book, which detailed the author's exploration of Aeorian ruins and investigation into the missing Cognouza ward, before spiraling into nonsense scribbles and drawings of fractals. [24] Caleb has a soft Zemnian (German) accent. Caleb assisted in intimidating Algar into leaving Nicodranas. He started going by multiple aliases and hid from Trent for the next five years. [142][143][144] Their friendship began after the Mighty Nein were assigned to Esseks stewardship, and Essek agreed to tutor a curious Caleb in dunamancy. Personality Caleb spoke to Halas, who told him a little about Zemniaz and Aeor. "The Midnight Chase" (2x03) Over time, he ended up with unnatural boons bestowed by the red eyes. Comic Caleb suggested continuing to facilitate the peace negotiations and then afterwards, surgically removing the problem after the fact, saying he wanted the murderers removed from power in his country because he was tired of children being thrown on the pyre. While fleeing from the Magehunter Golem, Caleb jumped on Fjord's back and attempted to cast Fly on them both, however the golem caught them in an antimagic field. Caleb let Twiggy play with Frumpkin (again in cat form) and told her she could be an honorary member of the Mighty Nein. He commented afterwards, in a voice suggesting he was not sure about it, that it was "better this way.". It had a rocky start, as Jester came from a sheltered, lavish upbringing and Caleb had a very troubled past and came from a poor household, which meant their worldviews were very different. "Dubious Pursuits" (2x40) The following morning, after a bit of workshopping, Caleb came up with the name "the Mighty Nein" for the party. Eadwulf returned the greeting, saying that Bren/Caleb looked good, but remaining impassive. 17 / 15[18][19] However, he was unwilling to cross the ominous threshold of further understanding and did not fully identify it. Caleb used a combination of his Scroll of Protection from Aberrations and the Mind Blank spell to remain safe from Lucien in his Neo-Somnovem form. "The Hour of Honor" (2x24) "Converging Fury" (2x27) Caleb "showboated" as he Flew past Essek, prompting the latter to also cast Fly and showboat along with him. Trent continued to contact Caleb telepathically, telling him he wanted only to talk to him, which Caleb rejected. [art 35], Jester and Caleb are very close friends. Although he believed he himself was ruined, he wanted to do something to make up for it. Bren spent the next eleven years in the Vergesson Sanatorium until a fellow patient touched him, removing both his madness and his fake memories. After finishing off the priest in the gnoll lair with a Fire Bolt, Caleb dissociated, dropping stunned to his knees in the first of his post-traumatic stress episodes to be witnessed by the rest of the party. "Cat and Mouse" (2x128) They discussed their goals and the possibility of atonement. He ruined my life. [112] He has let Nott eat Frumpkin twice. Veth asked Caleb if he wanted to go back in time to undo the burning of his home, and he responded, "of course." The party managed to successfully leave combat with the Tombtakers, although they were still being pursued. Soon after, Essek arrived in disguise on a visit, giving Caleb a kiss as he asked to hear about the defeat of Uk'otoa. Fan art of Caleb Widogast casting Shield, by Tyrone Andersen. I hope I do not let you down. ", "Yasha, let yourself a little happiness. I will never forget what we were. Click each card to check out their corresponding character sheets. Fan art of Caleb casting Haste, by Giulia Valentini (kurocyou). Martinet Da'leth offered Caleb the ensuing vacancy on the Cerberus Assembly, but Caleb declined and later learned Astrid had accepted it. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Nott fed him a healing potion, bringing him back. Wizard (School of Transmutation) [128] As an aspiring magic-user himself, Fjord complimented Caleb on his spells[129] and sought his advice on arcane matters. Ooh, it's quiet. [162] While spending downtime in the Archive of the Cobalt Soul in Zadash, Caleb researched methods of controlling time. While meeting with the Bright Queen, Caleb requested further training in dunamancy from Essek Thelyss, but the Queen did not trust them enough yet. She also implied that she hoped to take Trent's position on the assembly someday. The tower featured customized chambers for each party member, along with a common library, dining area, multi-purpose chamber, and foyer full of stained glass depictions of each school of magic. He revealed that his second holstered book was a series of letters written to them, and Teleported it into the earth between them. [134], On the ship sailing to the peace negotiations, Fjord apologized to Caleb for holding the sword to his throat during the heist in the High-Richter's home in Zadash, admitting that it came out of his desire to control the situation. They took him to Rexxentrum in shackles and he was sentenced to life imprisonment. "Beneath Bazzoxan" (2x66) Appearances Caleb reluctantly showed the page he had stolen to Essek, who successfully dispelled it. Reference(s) During the battle with Dashilla, Caleb was immediately knocked unconscious by her Death Glare. Caleb saw the close parallels between his own situation and Essek's, and urged him to seize this one opportunity to change and save himself. Later, the Nein met with Vess DeRogna in her tower, and Caleb offered the Nein's collaboration in her Aeorian project. AC [99] Later, Caleb and Essek returned to the Temporal Dock chamber in Aeor's Genesis Ward, where he mentally reviewed the plan he had had to go into the past, disguised as his younger self, and convince his parents to leave with him for Tal'Dorei, leaving two bodies from his Vault of Amber behind. He look my life away from me. [145] A connection soon sparked between them thanks to their shared passion for magic. "From Door to Door" (2x81) [163] He also objected vociferously when Beau mentioned this, since he had never mentioned it to her. The next day, Caleb and Beau visited the Cobalt Soul archive, where he did research on mages in history that had been able to bend time and reality. Caleb acquired a fourth red eye while connecting with the hive mind of the Somnovem. [87] Nott, however, began unlocking several books which she took, and Caleb stayed with her while urging that they needed to join the others who had already passed through the window to join Fjord.[88]. Back in Berleben, Caleb asked Nott and Kiri to help him find a good stone, hopefully one with a ring around it, and after about ten minutes they did. Before setting sail for the peace talks, the Mighty Nein decided to speak with the Cerberus Assembly delegates. For the heist of the Sour Nest, Caleb sent Frumpkin in owl form to scout the exterior. "Family Shatters" (2x96) Character Art. Caleb left the case, but Nott managed to steal it for him without Fjord noticing. [165] In "Fond Farewells" (2x141), Caleb destroyed the T-dock chamber in Aeor, removing the possibility of time travel for himself and future adventurers. [art 11]. He has blue eyes, a cleft chin which is covered by a beard most of the time, and reddish-brown hair. Beau asked if he wanted to take down Trent, and Caleb said yes, among other things. Wis Essek told the party that he feared he was being hunted by Cerberus Assembly assassins. [art 28]. Caleb thought gaining publicity should be discussed amongst the whole group, and he himself wanted to keep a low profile. [155] The three were selected to undergo Trent Ikithon's Volstrucker training together and were used in his human experimentation of embedding refined residuum crystals into their skin. [art 4] This book contained letters that he had written to them while traveling with the Mighty Nein. He first revealed the scars to the party in "A Game of Names" (2x49), and later permanently removed the bandages he used to conceal them. Caleb gave the Collar of Silence to Beau so that she could use it against Trent if they encountered him. After Nott shared her history of being transformed into a goblin and hiding from her family, she asked Caleb to share his own story, saying that they might need his knowledge to help find her missing husband. Astrid, Eadwulf, and Bren were all from the small farming community of Blumenthal in the Zemni Fields of the Dwendalian Empire, although they didnt know each other before being selected to attend the Soltryce Academy in Rexxentrum. First seen Leofric Ermendrud (father)Una Ermendrud (mother)Luc Brenatto (godson) ", "Astrid and Eadwulf were willing to do anything that Ikithon asked of them. "Dockside Diplomacy" (2x35) The following day, the Nein met a party of Dwendalian scouts, who were immediately ambushed by Kryn warriors. "A Favor in Kind" (2x16) Caleb likes Yasha due to their similar personalities and mutual dislike of, and uncomfortableness with, close contact[136]. He stood taller and seemed in a good mood, which alerted the group to what had happened. Profession Caleb later learned that these crystals were refined residuum. Later, Jester asked Caleb if he loved Astrid. 111 [123] Caleb appreciates Jester's positive attitude and playfulness that remind him of the life he could have had, if things had gone differently for him, and during the time before he revealed his past to her enjoyed the fact that she saw him as he could or should have been. . "Sarsaparilla, Licorice, and Red Hot" (2x127) [art 23]. Now, he's a level 13 Transmutation Wizard who's making waves across the continent of Wildemount.
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