These bases are basically large cities underground connected by high-speed magneto-levity trains that have sped up to 1500 MPH. Nothing would ever compare to working at there in my mind. Often, moving in the dark of night, they wing their way to Nevada where they go through testing at the ranges of Nellis Air Force Base, Tonopah Test Range, and yes, Area 51. NEW YORK85. That experience went from being really cool to terrifying within seconds when I spotted the Tomahawk. It holds the genetic labs. The evolution of the PC was starting to kick in. . The steel-reinforced concrete walls of the bunker, which is 20 feet below ground, are 2 feet thick. Food and showers are on the tracks, and the men are allowed showers once a week. Its about a quarter mile away from where the track was, but when that thing lit off, you felt the wave of energy and enormous amount sound it put out. Deep Springs, CA, 3722 N 117 59.3 W. saucer base18. 348 N 117 48 W. 20. COLORADO36. [6], The subterranean highway in America is like a freeway except its underground. They would lob into a pad of real thick sand. . The military simply guards these facilities. They were under contract to be essentially on call PC repairmen all over the base. Hualapai Mountains, east side of the mountain range, about 35 mi. A group of us were standing on the flight line and had a front row seat to this event as it came whizzing by. National parks desert polar ice caps sea those that scatter. Pie Town, 34 17.9N 1 10808.7W, in the area near Pie Town, UFO Base.82. China Lake, mind control and weapons research16. STRAIGHT: China Lake, CA had an earthquake large and deep enough that they discovered a near Surface dome of molten lava larger than under Yellowstone. Courtesy Planet Labs Inc. Hong Kong CNN . The US Government has been involved covertly in the creation of an army of loyal, brainwashed soldiers of the future. And there are underwater bases. There have been some of these bases that have been attacked, some of the older bases or bases closer to the surface. I really think they where underground detonations for. China Lake Potential Underground Entrance. Inflatable airbags inside the shuttle cushion you from the impact of turns. Every so often, the mad scientists and weapons testers down at Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake release a montage video of their testing highlights over a period of time, and . How can you find out if the underground base in Klamath Falls, Oregon is still in operation or is down? Maynard, 42 26.0 N 71 27.0 W FEMA, regional center, Wackenhut is here too. What these proximity shells did was pretty wild. Alamosa, 37 28.1 N 10552.2'W W- reported saucer . They look like luxury malls or hotels in Dubai. Only a small component of these bases is visible on the sea floor. [6], SRI, the U.S. Navy, and NAWS China Lake did R&D work on undersea facilities. Theyre not military. & ? The next place on the map where an underground base is, is the Chocolate Mts. An AFB is also nearby. You may think there isnt much out there while traveling north on Highway 395, but the range facilities are filled with radar sites, target areas, and an occasional lone laboratory with some strange engineer who hasnt seen daylight in four days hanging out most the week by himself. (Carlsbad Cavern which had underground activity, which is reported discontinued, and another base to east of Carlsbad.). Some are under UTEP in El Paso, TX. Sulfa and other gasses are at toxic levels, all water is contaminated unfit to drink so base was quietly abandoned. Ft. 2023 Coercion Code - "Dark Times are upon us". It's the reality of the existence of DEEP UNDERGROUND MILITARY BASES. When we entered the hanger, we were greeted up close in person by these magnificent pieces of technology. I know that the majority of them are for R&D. They enter in below and come up within. They are guarded through satellites and other technologies. The Rock-Site concept also bore much in common with NASA's designs for underground moon bases. Pine Needle Tea: The Best Potential Antidote for Transmission of Spike Protein, Damn You To Hell, You Will Not Destroy America Here Is The Spartacus COVID Letter Thats Gone Viral, Do You Live Near Any Of These FEMA Camps? St. Francis Mountains, MO (between St. Louis & New Madrid), NEBRASKA63. The installation is the Navy's largest single landholding, representing 85 percent of the Navy's land for RDAT&E use and 38 percent of the Navy's land holdings worldwide. . I continued to do PC work at these various places until once again I ran into an under wage scenario. There is an S-2, an S-4, an S-6, an S-66 underground installations. The Navy's sprawling Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake has over 1.1 million acres of land and 20,000 square miles of controlled airspace at its disposal as it sits at the heart of the huge R-2508 range complex in central California. I display the plaque in my current office to this very day. Edwards Air Force Base, in the area where Diamond Cr. Also, possible massive underground facilities beneath Argus and/or Southeast Peaks NW of Trona in the China Lake Reserve. Deep Springs, CA, 3722 N 117 59.3 W. saucer base . There are many things in that area that are classified to this day, but there are a few things I can talk about what without landing in prison. Boulder, COThe headquarters for EMC, a type of Electra-magnetic mind control that is being broadcast to modify the thinking of Americans, and to control slaves.39. Kinsleyan underground UFO base. EVIDENCE: BIDEN ADMINISTRATION USED CLOSED CHINA LAKE MILITARY BASE TO HOUSE AND TORTURE CAGED KIDS. , MESA (Missile Engagement Simulation Arena). These Deep Underground Military Bases are all over the planet, including under water and various shocking practices are typicalor at least were at one time. Now let's read just a bit from this fascinating site, and you will soon see how deep the rabbit hole goes: The World's 30 Strangest and Most Secret Military Bases. See #15 above). It was very interesting to see the typewriter style buttons and ancient controls in the A-6. Olney, actually the facility is between Olney and Laytonsville, on Riggs Rd. Since I wasnt able to move into data analysis or flight test engineering I decided to take a job in the digitizing unit just for the pay increase. Vaults have extensive amounts of documents that are not indexed. This is a U.S. alien research/ diagnostic facility and UFO base.15. Here's why I call bullshit. Here, is the device that powers the transfer of atoms.Level 6 Level 6 is privately called Nightmare Hall. They can lower your heartbeat with Deep Sleep Delta Waves, induce a static shock, then reprogram, Via a Brain-Computer link. Darwin, CA, 4 miles dues west of Darwin 17. There are over 100 secret exits near and around Dulce. This building oversees all testing done in the main China Lake ranges. A lot of cloning goes on there. The technology is apparently here to allow them to know how to manipulate the Bioplasmic Body Development of a laser weapon that can remotely cause burns and discomfort on its target. directly under Argus Peak. Theres one that there was a lot of speculation about. The walls were all covered in cone-shaped foam thats supposed to filter out any background noise that might interfere with testing. Of the missing Milk Carton People that the FBI used to post on milk cartons, some were taken to these underground bases for genetic experimentation, microchipping, psychotronic mind control, and cybernetic implantations for future use as brainwashed soldiers of the NWO. Colorado Springs, NORAD Canada & U.S., & FEMA, hundreds of people on staff, contains at least 4.5 cubic miles of underground caverns and forty-five underground steel buildings. OREGON90. I found a sign with Google Earth for a very huge underground base that could have the size of about 12 x 6 kilometers in the north of the. 802 and the other on Bear Wallow Road, on Viewtree Mountain. An unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines on Wed. Oct. 16. [4], The finished walls in those tubes resemble polished black glass. All soldiers working in these bases are microchipped and under total Psychotronic Mind Control. I didnt get to see a test take place but from what Ive read, considerable amounts of destruction could take place. The walls and ceilings of the tunnels are ceramic tiles with fluorescent lighting recessed into the ceilings. Mt. And there was a whole lot of scuttlebutt on the Internet about it, and then it kind of died off. Theyve done that and created several submarine bases. This aircraft is one of the most awe-inspiring flying technologies ever to be seen then and now in my opinion. The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil., Wilcock, David. The speed it obtained in such a short time was nothing short of astounding. There the Navy and an army of contractors pave the way for the future of warfare, testing the newest evolutions in bombs, missiles, cannon shells, electronic warfare and communications systems, and the aircraft that will put much of them to use. Suitland, MD- Classified archives of U.S. Govt. (760) 939-3160. Angel Peak- reported saucer base. 19. I am in the back seat of a stranger's 4x4, crossing a missile test range in the Mojave Desert. Because I was there so long I ended up having to stay for the duration of a test they were about to perform and all range access was temporarily locked down during it. Area 51 to Las Vegas to White Sands to Mountainair, NM to Kirtland AFB to Los Alamos to Dulce to Crestone, CO to Colorodo Springs to Denver. Carlsbad Cavern area (now destroyed), 32 25.0N 1040 14.0W -old relics of saucer base left.76-78. Two large underground facilities close to but separate from Groom Lake but controlled by the demonic beings are Papoose Range and Cockeyed Ridge (S-4) underground bases. See #15 above). This is listed as a Communications Antenna Field but is doing much more.33. It was just above us and to the right and sounded like the skies opened up with the most amazing Ppfffttaaaaaattt sound as it hurled lead at the Tomahawk. The New Mexico area has basically four underground system out. Function: Suspected Underground UFO Base Levels: At least seven underground levels. There are also many Deep Underground Military Bases under Canada. China Lake "The underground facility at China Lake is big enough that with the right equipment, it looks like a city of 500,000 people at night." The children and teens were said to have been sexually abused, tortured and killed to collect their adrenaline. A minimum of lighting is used and the men are beaten senseless if they talk at all. & the so. George Air Force Base, CA saucer base21. The radar followed it on its own as it went about its business and the image was crystal clear like you were 50 yards from it. HOLMSETH: If you can saywere there any arrests made regarding the 2,100 kids. Answer (1 of 8): This is one of those really stupid QAnon conspiracy theories. Deep Springs, CA, 3722 N 117 59.3 W. saucer base. ), The DUMBs recycle air from time to time. ventilating the air out of an underground base makes a trumpet noise almost like a tornado siren. some of these trumpet noises people are hearing on a wider scale in the skies are actually an energetic shock wave coming from the Sun, the sound is coming from energy coming from the Sun interacting with our upper atmosphere.[2], Multiple whistleblowers have revealed that the casinos themselves are intimately involved with the military-industrial complex, if not directly owned by them in many cases. China Lake is located 150 miles northeast of Los Angeles on the western edge of California's Mojave Desert. The aircraft, as well as the weapons they were testing, were equipped with little prism mirrors on various points so that the lasers could see them and record their telemetry at any given moment. Straight knew about the 2,100 kids being moved by U.S. Marines and told Holmseth about it in October of 2019. below Ft. Meade, of the National Security Agency, 10 acres of the most sophisticated supercomputers that can be built, very large complex, massive surveillance of all the worlds communications, including all transmissions in the U.S. & world of telephones, telegraph, telex, fax, radio, TV and microwave transmissions.55. The Navy estimates more than $2 billion in repairs are needed to repair facilities damaged by a pair of earthquakes six weeks ago at its vital hub for air warfare research, development and testing . two sites: one on Rt. One of the really cool things about China Lake is the Electronic Combat Range that is located east of the main base some 30 miles called Echo Range. EVIDENCE: BIDEN ADMINISTRATION USED CLOSED CHINA LAKE MILITARY BASE TO HOUSE AND TORTURE CAGED KIDS, by Timothy Charles Holmseth War Correspondent on July 20, 2022, at 9:07 A.M. USA. In this map it is listed as NAWS China Lake: THE CHINA LAKE WHISTLEBLOWER. There is a earthquake-pattern of which the most occured in the year 1982/83. area. There is Dulce Base, in New Mexico. By Maggie Shipstead. These are located in the Exhibit Hall of the West Virginia Wing, which includes vehicular and pedestrian entrances which can be quickly sealed by blast doors. They go down several more floors than anyone that work in the building know about, get on an underground train system, and are shuttled to anywhere in the world in a matter of an hour or two, to where they can work in these underground bunkers and facilities. And then a lot of times, they would just drill really deep holes, put in charges of high plastiques, things that detonate at well over 32,000 feet per second, that just turn the rock to dust, no matter how hard it is, and then they excavate it. The initial function of the installation was threefold: (1) to support . Book Cliffs, CO, 39 40 N 108 0 W near Rifle, CO38. That worldwide network is called the Sub-Global System. It has checkpoints at each country entry. At least six homes on base were unable to be occupied because of burst water line damage. 6. This DUM sits on China Lake's NWC's land, and may have been built in the '60s. COLORADO 36. Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake was undergoing recovery efforts on July 7 following a 7.1 magnitude earthquake, which occurred near NAWSCL and the city of Ridgecrest, Calif., July 5 after a 6 . Book Cliffs, CO, 39 40 . One day we received a 486 DX100 in the data reduction area. And it pops up in a . to the north of Taos Pueblo84. fork of the Yuba meet, there are 3 underground UFO bases. Because this contract was for the entire installation I gained access to just about every area when I got hired. Then there is the Greenbrier Facility, in White Sulfer Springs, West Virginia under the Greenbriar Resort. One can only imagine what has been built with 1/2 century of labor on this underground system. But thats when we were really learning. Grand Mesa- Orion saucer base42. The flight weapons testing got hot and heavy, but the best part was here I am just some 22-year-old hack local off the street and was put into a position to evaluate testing data in support of the A-6 missions taking place in the Middle East. Kern River, CA the hollowed-out mountain next to the hydroelectric facility at the Kern River Project near Bakersfield- reported saucer base25. Its located near Brooks Lake. Straight said the military relied on intelligence prepared by Marcella Crandall . The Weapons Survivability Lab is located way far north in a desolate area of China Lake. Some of them use geothermal power, and some of them use hydrodynamics, and some of them use classified power systems. Of course, some of them are joint-operated. Wisdom Teachings: Episode 146. and mind control. ], KENTUCKY SHERIFFS OFFICE: STEPHENSON MURDERS MAY BE CONNECTED TO DELPHI MURDERS (INVESTIGATING TRUCK DRIVERS & DNA), STATE OF INDIANA DECLARES DELPHI MURDER CASE CREATES SERIOUS AND IMMINENT DANGER TO THE PUBLIC, There arent many left to speak for the dead Author Veronica Swift pens letter to Rep. Jim Jordan #LetJessieSpeak, SEAL TEAM 6 BLACK OPS IN OHIO [JOURNALIST FILES LAWSUIT AGAINST GOV. There are underground bases and facilities all over the place in cities all around us. China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station Chaplain . The holding capacity of such leviathanic bases is huge. Straight said he participated in the rescue. They were brought there to test new technologies and were to be returned to that ship after its maintenance was complete. The pods can go over 700 MPH. Its no coincidence that the CIA relocated the headquarters of its domestic division, which is responsible for operations in the United States, from the CIAs Langley headquarters to Denver.
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