Eventually, one will go faster than the other, and youll be able to choose your lane. It may go back into the other lane. In addition to adverse weather, traction loss can be caused by issues with your vehicle. Youll have enough time to get up, clean your car off, and drive slowly.. Scanning ahead, car changing lanes in front of us. You can consider a different route or recommence your journey when conditions have improved. Keep an emergency supply kit in your car during the winter months, just in case you are stranded by the roadside. Vehicle ducking in front of us. In the worst case scenario, vehicles can roll over due to load shift as the vehicle can become unbalanced and overturn. When ascending on a steep hill, maintain a steady speed by applying more pressure on the accelerator. Tire blowouts are typically caused by under-inflated tires. Be aware that the surface of the road may be slick with moisture during foggy conditions. Freeing your car from deep mud or snow takes patience. defensive driving courses, off-road driving for forestry workers. What to do in the event of vehicle breakdown, bad weather conditions and/or any other delays that might occur. Prohibition of the use of handheld mobile phones if driving Frequency that breaks from driving should be taken, e.g.15 minutes in every two hours or every 100 miles The factors influencing the choice of vehicle and, if appropriate, the drivers input to that choice, e.g. Defect reportingprocedures should be clearly set out. The need for drivers to demonstrate that privately owned vehicles are only used for work purposes if they are insured for business use The need for drivers to hold a licence for the type of vehicle they use and for periodic checks on the validity of that licence. Driver training options, e.g. Above all, take the deer crossing signs seriously and go slow. Nearly all states have chosen to discourage dangerous driving around high-risk work zones by increasing or doubling the fines incurred by traffic violations. In addition, drivers would be required to sound the vehicle horn when entering or exiting buildings, negotiating blind cornersand/or reversing. You need to consider how likely it is that each hazard will cause harm Step 4: Record your findings. Person getting out behind a car. Recognized as a Best Remote Large Places to Work. Your vehicle's engine may get overheated when driving on a steep incline for an extended time. Organized into an easy-to-follow checklist, this information can be printed off and revisited as often as needed; you may wish to read through it again before taking your car onto a freeway. An overinflated tire can cause the side tread to leave the surface, leaving only the center tread in contact with the road. A hazard can be any possible source of danger on or near the road that could lead to a crash, and it can come from any direction. Watching the green light. Keep in mind that in most states, drivers are legally required to clear all ice and snow from their vehicles before a journey. Car still may pull out. Nothing can jolt a driver like the sudden loss of control of their automobile after hitting a slick patch of pavement. When driving through smoke you must be aware of additional dangers. An experienced commentator points out potential hazards facing drivers and suggests ways that drivers could respond safely. What to Do: All cars come equipped with a sun visor, Solomon says. The brakes likely failed on the truck because they got too hot. Approaching vehicles. Pedestrian up ahead. As always, prevention should be your priority. Vehicle suddenly turning across oncoming traffic. reach trucks, counterbalance forkliftsStrict control of vehicle and pedestrian movementsThis is necessary where physical segregation of vehiclesand people is not practicable. ; In fact, you will increase the life of your brakes by a few months (or even years, depending on how much steep downhill driving you do) if you simply use engine braking whenever possible rather than actually pressing the . Oversteering often happens when the driver takes a bend or lane-change too quickly, when the surface of the road is slippery. Pedestrians on both sides. Dont. Water on the roads surface can seriously impede your vehicle control, while the rain itself impacts visibility. This hazard occurs when your car hits a pool of water fast enough to glide across its surface. Watch for bicyclists near the right edge of the road. Watching the van, keeping an eye on that. hoosing not to drive in rain, snow or fog, at night or during any other hazardous conditions is always the smartest decision. Snow, ice, fog and heavy rain are all likely to significantly affect journey times but are also direct contributory factors in many vehicle incidents. May step out in front of us without thinking. Pedestrian on our left. Chad Boblett, owner of Boblett Brothers, LLC and Rate Per Mile Master, is an expert when it comes to trucking and fleet safety. Looking at the parked cars on the left. Car waiting to pull out. Get ready for the permit test with DriversEd.com. During rear-wheel skids, this will be in the same direction as the skid. Lots of traffic markers. You are most likely to be exposed to high winds or strong gusts of wind during a storm, or when traveling through exposed areas such as bridges, culverts and mountain passes. When you are going down, gravity works against your intent to slow down . Winter or summer, the sun sometimes has a way of shining through your windshield just the right angle to effectively blind you. Thick fog makes for extremely poor visibility. work at height, manual handling) maybe present during repair or maintenance of vehicles. Watch for steep grade signs along the highways as well as speed limits. Fit your car with snow tires if you are likely to drive in winter conditions regularly. Car entering on the left. Manual handlingHandling products can involve the frequent movement of some fairly substantial loadsLifting operationsOperations involving cranes or vehicle mounted lifting equipment (e.g. Vehicle indicating through the intersection may pull out. Big truck in front, obstructing our vision of forward traffic. The faster you are traveling, the greater the likelihood that hydroplaning will occur, as speed creates lift and reduces your cars grip on the surface of the road. Both front and rear-wheel traction loss can be corrected by looking and steering in the direction you wish the vehicle to go. Further training as necessary in the actual workplace. You dont want power of any kind going to the wheels, Solomon says. Select your state to get started. If this happens, the car could roll-over and fill up before you have a chance to react. Pulling over during a blizzard is often the safest course of action, though you may be stuck for several hours at least. Vehicle condition: your brakes, steering, suspension, and cooling systems must be in good condition. The problem is when people pull it down and the edge is pointed at your nose. All drivers face risks, but the factor that contributes most to crashes and deaths appears to be inexperience.1Newly licensed drivers, primarily teenagers, have the highest crash rates, but even drivers well into their twenties have higher crash rates than older drivers. During winter months in colder states, some roads will be impassable without snow chains. If youre behind one, they can make it difficult to see whats ahead. Mapping out your trip in advance will minimize stress and ensure you do not miss vital exits on the freeway. 1. parked car door opening. You can get the details on FederalRegister.gov .) The hill descent assist will ensure your vehicle doesn't reach an unsafe declining speed by further applying the brakes if needed. . Pedestrian crossing ahead of us. Of course, the number-one rule of defensive driving is to avoid unnecessary danger. If you ask us, we would rather take the uphill part of the drive because going downhill is harder. 3. Chad discusses driving issues truKkers face on some U.S. highways where hard braking and cornering triggers a warning on the ELD. When your visibility or vehicle control are impaired by adverse conditions, the guidance provided here and in your states driving manual will help you handle the situation. Car indicating to turn left. List factors to be considered in assessing risks for the driver, journey and the vehicle? Your ability to remain calm and take appropriate evasive action during such situations could mean the difference between life and death. going over slippery surfaces (such as oil or grease patches); carrying loads at a dangerous height (e.g. This section summarizes those must-know highway driving techniques and safety practices. In general, steering away from a potential crash is a faster and more effective option than coming to a complete stop. Additional hazards could include stored energy in the form of compressedair, hydraulic systems or heat from engine components. Pedestrians on the left. Vehicle may be turning opposite directions in front of us. Some states permit the use of fog lights; check your drivers manual for details. A wax stripper found at automotive stores can erase that residue, clearing your windshield and allowing your wipes to make better contact with the glass. different driver categories and the associated risks (e.g. Vehicles often build up speed moving down a steep hill. Drive as cautiously in patchy fog as you would in consistently thick fog, as you could enter a denser stretch of fog at any point and lose visibility altogether. You may still encounter crashes irrespective of how careful you are, as you cannot rely on other drivers to make safe decisions all the time. Check them. Visit gomotive.com to learn more. Cars changing lanes. Never leave children or animals in a car unattended on a hot day. Do not start a journey if the fog is so thick that the way ahead is completely obscured a few feet in front of your vehicle. A load must be tilted back across all grades, if applicable. Strong winds can be a problem for all car drivers, though they are a particular hazard for drivers of light-weight vehicles, vehicles towing trailers and high-sided recreational vehicles. Entering into a bend. He/she will need to regularly check that the lights, indicators, windscreen wipers and washers, tyres and brakes are all in good working order. Always pay attention to the speed limit. Car on the right, open door. Pedestrian crossing sign. Scanning through the corner. Unfavorable weather and road conditions can create hazards that make driving difficult, and more dangerous. Water collecting in pools on the road is dangerous, though thankfully, relatively easy to spot. Looking through the corner. Don't drive in neutral or with your foot on the clutch. Heres what he had to say. Motive reviewed anonymized data aggregated from ELDs to determine routes with high instances of hard braking, cornering, and acceleration. Going over the crest of the hill. ; Actually HAVE brakes at the end of the hill! Pedestrian on the footpath on the left. Bus shelter. Be sure to put your hazard lights on to alert other drivers and recovery vehicles to your presence. Traffic lights are still green. He has been down the Denver I-70 many times and knows how to handle a truck and trailer down this steep mountain grade. Solomon also keeps a baseball cap in his car so he can use the bill to block the sun without obstructing his view. This feature uses the engine and transmission to down shift to help keep the vehicle speed under control so you dont rely solely on the brakes. The majority of truck collisions are not the fault of the truck driver. Watching the car changing lanes in front of us, dealing with that. Pedestrians on the footpath on the right. You can recover from an acceleration skid by easing your foot off the gas. Pedestrians on the side. When your car accelerates sharply, you will feel __________ . Slowing, watching for oncoming traffic. Blind spots. Cyclist on the footpath on the left. Vehicle is pulling out. As the economy grows, so does the demand for supply. Deer dont look both ways before crossing, Solomon says. Vision's obscured. Trying to look through the car in front or under the car in front. Examples of risk and hazard are below in the article to better understand the difference. Always check your pressure and bring a spare if possible. All Rights Reserved. May be an out we need. Braking in front. Brake or steer to safety if a hazard enters your downhill driving path. While people use it interchangeably. Just dont engage them: Theres nothing youre going to do to stop them from tailgating you. The driverFactors to consider in relation to thedriver of the vehicle, such as their competence and/or experience of the type of drivingAll drivers, however, should know the basics, such as: the correct adjustment of seats, headrests and seatbelts for comfort and safety; how to check tyre pressures, lights, indicators, windscreen washer levels; how to use ABS (anti-lock braking systems) if fitted; the safest way to distribute and secure any load they may be carrying; and the height of the vehicle (goods vehicles).The vehicleSuitabilityThis means making sure that the vehicles are fit for the purpose for which they are used, which raises questions such as: What are the safety standards for the particular vehicle(s) in respect of driving andpublic health and safety? Is the vehicle suitable for the job in hand? How well does the vehicle measure up to the ergonomic needs of drivers? Should vehicles be hired or leased and what impact will this have on how maintenance will be undertaken? Is it better to allow employees to use their private vehicles on company businessCondition of vehiclesEmployers will have toensure that adequate maintenance arrangements exist and that repairs or service are carried out to an acceptable standard and that manufacturersrecommendations are observed in respect of safetycritical features.
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