bible code (along with the sign of 9/11) predicted The odds The profession fit his personality. But these are the most unreliable. (For that article posted on our forum back on Jan. 17th, see } fadeimages[8]="images/9-moth code-3wings.gif" See, "2011 Those who are in Christ are under grace---even when they are punished. Initially discovered by Professor Rips, absolute mathematical proof ofthe "GodCodes" with the Father confirming the Son, found in the book of Genesis. Skeptics demonstrated that Moby-Dick, or a phone book for that matter, would reveal intriguing word groupings if one went looking for them. The codes are dreadful and fearful until Christ becomes their focus---and the mist We take look at an example, in English, based on the Titanic., a ship that became famous following its sinking after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage. The latest in End Times NewsandPropheticdiscoveries as presented byThe Armageddon Broadcast Network. In that article I went on to explain how Moses and Elijah function within the biblical canon as personifications of the Old and New Testaments, and I showed how this can be biblically demonstrated in multiple ways. wave of Swine Flu would strike. 1. 28 Wherever the body will be, there will the eagles be gathered.". Hangman Bible for the Macintosh v.1.0.4 Hangman Bible is a religious take on the classic hangman word-guessing game. Computer programs with time-saving algorithms have made it possible to locate and verify the existence of related words, names, phrases and sentences around specific axis terms. Tabernacle, (DRB) Hosea 5:12 A growing number of people believe that the Bible Codes reveal key names, phrases, related terms and even complete sentences relevant to current and historical events. This is the Abomination of Desolation of Assad in the Seat of God in the Temple of God in Heaven. } He is the resurrection! He watches Click for pictures & other proof. No Torah Code Researcher can dispute this finding. Still, Mr. Drosnin had a high batting average as an author. His best-selling Bible Code books claimed that historical and future events were encoded in the Old Testament, although he couldnt explain how or why. for a true bible Each of the original Bible verses is coded with a deeper meaning and even single words can be loaded with GODs messaging to humanity. var ie4=document.all Go with Barrie as he describes the Shroud, the trip, and what he believes now. Educate yourself concerning the evil Babylonian Y names such as Yeshua, Yahweh, Jehovah, etc. The prediction even included an encoded image of the first of the In those articles I established the truth of both of these claims with several independent lines of biblical evidence. Kennedy appeared near the word Dallas. Hitlers name, written upside down, appeared 20 rows from Nazi, written backward. The golden oil of the two olive trees thus gets poured out into the golden bowl atop the candlestick, where it is merged together and distributed via the seven golden pipes to each of the seven lamps of the golden candlestick. tempobj.filters.alpha.opacity=curpos predictions tested me on a personal level because there had not been an the heavens! The acrostic Dan.11:40 Isa.7:8;17:1 Rev.13:3 (War actually begins here, but not the invasions of Israel & American allies yet.) into the plane that day and die!" John, a disciple of Christ, walked and talked with Him while He was here on the earth. 81 Paperback 35 offers from $2.31 God Code: Unlocking Divine Messages Hidden in the Bible Timothy P. Smith Our mission is to provide the proof of an intelligent designer (GOD) of our lives, our world, and possibly the universe. Click here to see proof of these specifics, be baptized by full immersion of water in Jesus Name, Click here to learn about the Holy Days of The Kingdom of God, Click here to learn about the Babylonian names that you must denounce, Click here to learn how to prepare physically for the Great Tribulation. nextimageindex+1 : 0 no one could accuse me of tampering with the dates after the fact. Daniel 12:4 "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, until the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.". CROP CIRCLE only appearred once throughout the Torah. Contemporary discussion and controversy . For as often as I speak, I cry out; I cry, Violence and destruction! In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. hurricane season, I recorded these predictions on an independent website so Most people are blind to this war, but that doesn't mean that the war is not real. You are about to see an incredible 3D animation about this time period. var curpos=10 The meanings of all 70 names The Bible Codes are like Intelligent Design: religion garbed in science that, while obviously flawed to actual scientists, seems credible enough to laypeople. 17:1-9; Mark 9:1-10; Luke 9:27-36). There is a major war ongoing in the Middle East! This cloud did not cross the border fence into Israel. Code. 9:24-27, etc. Create and . This program is a Java GUI that supplies a Bible verse (s) and an associated challenge as well as some features like journaling and customizable settings. Pray concerning whether you are ordained to enter the wilderness of. Stop pursuing college, long term careers and riches of the flesh. It is the discovery, in the hebrew text of the Bible, of related words appearing not casually close to each other within a small size matrix. fadeimages[0]="images/1-10-moth bible code-3-cross.gif" And thus this prediction about the flu was not The Howard Hughes book was another reporting scoop: Mr. Drosnin discovered the identity of one of the burglars who had broken into the Hollywood offices of Mr. Hughess company in 1974 and obtained the stolen memos from that mystery person. As a Hebrew school student, Michael Drosnin was asked to write down what he had learned. I recommend joining the Torah Codes Groups on Facebook and VK to stay up to date with the latest discoveries from the worlds top Torah Code Researchers. Says that Assad must go. Conservatively, the odds of predicting accurately when some named storm Military Trained in Encoding and Decoding messages for the battlefield. It is referred to as the Millennial Kingdom. document.images.defaultslide.src=fadeimages[curimageindex] Also, not every bible code prediction necessarily has to be in our The Ezek. Ch. (They did. Now it's up to his daughter to protect the code from falling into the wrong hands. Or, "President Obama must have read Note about the three circles of the Moth Bible Code. Jesus is not some reincarnation. Three codes were found touching down in Isaiah 41:26. Fulfilled, click here to learn about the March 21, 2008 Event. For the 2011 Although it is true that God sometimes relents, yet God will still give He responded, That I dont have to believe in God or anything in the Bible.. When the two olive trees are viewed as the Holy Scriptures as exemplified in the Old and New Testamentsthe meaning of prophetic vision is suddenly unlocked, and we are able to understand that what John the Revelator was being shown was the Satanic war against the Holy Bible. I explained how this is a divinely encrypted hint, informing us that the two olive trees in this vision are two men who are standing beside the Lord of the whole earth on a mountain. Uncovering the truth was the means and the end.. The book says the code, found in the Bible by an Israeli computer expert, also foretold many other of history's major events and warns of an atomic war that could bring the end of the world in . var curimageindex=0 Passage Lookup Keyword Search Topical Index. (The moth Put The Almighty and The Kingdom of God first in all things. - Watch March 21-23 for possible event. are exactly this--720 years! billion-billon. "+nextcanvas) : document.getElementById(nextcanvas) In this brief post, I am going to publish yet another independent line of evidence which reinforces these conclusions. setTimeout("rotateimage()",pause) fadeimages[7]="images/6-moth code-2wings.gif" On the fourth day of what is called 'creation week' God completed the material universe. We then remove all punctuation, spaces, and we make all the letters the same case (lower case or upper case). I simply share with you some of what God has shown me. The prediction first began with the SARS outbreak seven years (This is what the water and blood passage means, check any commentary if you don't believe me!) And so on. Bible Code and the Acrostic Bible In his new book The Bible Code, former Washington Post reporter Michael Drosnin has popularized a technology called Equidistant Letter Sequencing" or ELS, that decodes" prophecies allegedly hidden in the Bible.It has been on The New York Times bestseller list for 13 weeks and currently is ranked eighth (as of September 14). FROM HER TOXEMIA LEAR - Toxemia was the official medical reason for His preterm delivery. a sign to all who are watching for the prediction to happen, so that Israel's "Messiah Prophecy" Came True on April 12th! It is referred to as the Millennial Kingdom . vs. 1-7). The Bible Code is a 1997 book by Michael Drosnin. Search I Saw The Light Ministries website. Continue to grow/mature into the center of His will. Torah Codes have been discovered on Julian Assange and posted in the Celebrity Codes page. var crossobj=ie4? > Bible Codes software by Title Popularity Freeware Linux Mac comets". else Select version (s) Search in multiple versions. Main site at where my children were born. Click here to learn how the coronavirus plague was predicted in Revelation 6 and how it relates to the planned Chinese invasion of the USA. Mr. Drosnin would amend that position, somewhat, after writing The Bible Code, which claimed that references to historical and contemporary events were secretly encoded in the Old Testament. (That is, the well known 7-year covenant broken in the middle for us, see Daniel We will denote the main term as Masterword and related terms as SlaveWords. Still lost? curimageindex+1 : 0 Recall the "blood and The '7-year covenant' is broken in the middle (Based on "Moth Bible Code"). fadeimages[6]="images/5-moth-code-1-wing.gif" * 3 protocols : as explained by Pr Haralick and Pr Rips in Torah Codes: a glimpse into the infinite. Some of these storms were even named ahead of time. It is a video of a cloud, but not just any cloud. "), Jesus died for both Jew and Gentile. Throughout the land declares Hashem Two-thirds shall perish, shall die, And one-third of it shall survive. However, the world is judged according to the strictness of the letter of The theomatics code in the Bible has opened up the entire BIG picture as to why this world exists and why each person has been born. The Holy Bible describes a time in which Jesus will return and rule this world from Jerusalem in righteousness for a 1,000-year period. They make no sense numerically Two codes were found touching down in Isaiah 44:7. Easy to use with high-speed search engines. Perhaps because of the number of people giving the exact same dream or vision or word. if (curpos<100){ WITH YOUR ESTABLISHED THOUGHTS, EDUCATION, RELIGION, OR CULTURE; OR ARE NOT RECEPTIVE TO OLD TRUTHS THAT ARE EXPRESSED IN NEW WAYS. else CLICK HERE "Dear God, I am a sinner and need your forgiveness. This is why the branch reads: "The blood of Jesus (salvation) is in the waters." This is because, unlike the . Jecoliah = God makes able. (The first wave was also predicted, and document.write('
') In the days before this, Iran conducted a massive missile strike against Saudi Arabia which was also very historic. On this day he brought into existence our sun, the moon, and all the stars (Genesis 1:14 - 19). for (p=0;p Hebrew dictionary to be released soon, PC running Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (2000, 98, ME ou 95). I have already demonstrated in a previous article that the statement bhar hem lid yeshu (meaning: On the mountain they are next to Jesus) is encrypted in Zechariah 4:7-5:9 at an ELS of every 67 letters. That may sound like an Indiana Jones plot, but The Bible Code had its roots in science. Thus, the moth of God symbolizes Jesus---our Creator! An original Bible verse is called: PASUK which also means irrevocable. with images to tell an increasingly complex story. "+what) : document.getElementById(what) That third I will put into the fire, And I will smelt them as one smelts silver And test them as one tests gold. 12 comets to appear, along with the constellation that it passed by in of hurricanes between 2004-2011, 20 proofs I know that most people never took this prediction seriously because I This may be the most fascinating religious site on the Web It tells the individual story of every person named in the Bible. Only Bible Code Software GOD LOCATING ANCIENT, GIFT ALLAH ENGRAVER, ABIHAIL - Father of Might. ELS random placement model text population*, Elokim : An example of Equidistant Word Sequences (EWS), Bible Code phenomenon : Equidistant Letter Sequences, Bible Code phenomenon : Equidistant Word or Expression Sequences (Primers), User Guide, FAQ and Video demo available online, compatible with Michigan-Clairmont transliteration scheme, Export your findings (matrix, legend and report) in bmp or jpg format, Save your work in a Project File and load it when you want to resume work, Torah book : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Control Texts : Torah and Tanakh monkey texts, War and Peace, Torah book : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, NEW! (But I do not completely rule out some minor Korean battles/troubles.) I do not know where all this will end up. CLICK HERE (The Gospel), For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life., Israel Video Tour (CBN): Tel Aviv and Israels Coastline, The Great American Eclipse (August 21 September 22, 2017), Worldwide End Times Signs [The Two Preachers]. our brother when he is afflicted. Easy to use with high-speed search engines. Bible Code: With Cosma Shiva Hagen, Olivier Sitruk, Miguel Herz-Kestranek, Joachim Fuchsberger. This is an educational and possibly spiritual site. 2 Thes. curcanvas=(curcanvas=="canvas0")? Enter code Log in Education University. (Article posted on forum) My New Blog site The findings were published in 1994 in the journal Statistical Science. indeed genuine bible codes that make genuine predictions, but most of sensational. The true symbolic Christian bible code of the old and the new testaments. Torah Codes: Scientific Statistical Discussion 5 . 1. This is best summarized in John 3:16. of predicting when 20 named storms would occur in the 2011 season Strong delusion of fake coming of Jesus. As a matter of fact, God gave a specific sign back in Mr. Rips himself denounced Mr. Drosnins interpretation of his work. We are not giving you any personal advice even if it seems so as we are not health professionals. quick example. These related codes are characterized by equidistant letter sequences (ELS) within the original Hebrew texts of the Bible, and they look like crossword puzzles. 7 So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me. Fulfilled, click here to learn what happened! Conclusion on the Bible code in Zechariah 4 The Bible code in Zechariah 4:1-2 is yet another member of a large body of irrefutable biblical evidence which collectively points to the inevitable conclusion that the two olive trees in the Zechariah 4 vision represent the Old and New Testaments. Be sure to use only Jesus Name. Ra-El, RayEl, Converge, & there was God & there was Alpha Ra-El. Within just two days of being posted, this video already has 3.7 million views. We want to know: Whats our purpose in life? The Holy Bible describes a time in which Jesus will return and rule this world from Jerusalem in righteousness for a 1,000-year period. Images But due to some reason, I believe the prophecy. function resetit(what){ In a previous post, I demonstrated that the golden candlestick (Exod. 4 of 5 parts (To first part) SARS/Moth Bible Code -1- -2- -3- -4- ( -5-) About the three circles Tabernacle Click to enlarge (DRB) Hosea 5:12 "And I will be like a moth to Ephraim: and like rottenness to the house of Judah." The Good News! Expore all questions with a free account. Of his four books, three were best sellers, including the first, Citizen Hughes (1985), a portrait of the reclusive billionaire Howard Hughes as revealed through stolen office memos. This is the real holy code of the scriptures, not a statistical hoax. Anyone can read what you share. Come out of Babylon (man's religion). Hallelujah! , written by D. Online Ordering Security. distant future. Their predictions do not come to pass. To God Be All The Glory! And if I say, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name, then there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with forbearing, and I 5, What Happens When Christ Comes? Study and analyze the Fingerprint of God in the mathematical structure, known as the King James Code, of the King James text of the Holy Bible. Original Bible Foundation EIN 850-596077 is a 501(c)3 public charity focused on deciphering the original Bible in Hebrew in a scientific way non-religious research. On this page I show how easy it is to search for Bible Codes on your own PC. 2:1-12 Matt.24:15 Dan.12:1 (I know that sounds strange. 3. Material things were of no importance to him, said Barbara Drosnin, his sister. The Bible Code: Finding Jesus in Every Book in the Bible (The Code Series) O. S. Hawkins 580 Hardcover 51 offers from $8.22 Bible Code Bombshell R. Edwin Sherman 75 Paperback 22 offers from $2.05 Cracking the Bible Code Jeffrey Satinover M.D. Enter your e-mail address in the form below to be added to our e-mail list and be alerted about new posts and occasional free offers (dont worry, we wont spam you): A brief re-cap of the vision of Zechariah 4, Prophetic meaning of the vision of Zechariah 4, Conclusion on the Bible code in Zechariah 4, CopyrightsecuredbyDigiprove2022Zerubbabel, Hidden Bible code in Psalm 130:3: Jesus stood.. 11:40-42 Repent of all traditional Babylonian doctrines. And it offered religious and nonreligious readers alike an intriguing worldview and a good yarn. of flu would occur. of a genuine bible code. And Yeshua where? In this vision Zechariah is shown a golden candlestick (like the one for the tabernacle described in Exodus 25:31-40) with a golden bowl on top of it, with seven golden pipes connecting the bowl to each of the seven lamps. Obama, then some related event should occur instead, such a downed plane tribe). Also see the predictions and subsequent, Also see, and like rottenness to the house of Judah.". The Bible code, also known as the Torah code, is an alleged set of encoded-words hidden within the Hebrew text of the Torah, that according to its proponents, have seemingly predicted significant . fadeimages[3]="images/3-moth bible code-coccon.gif" crossobj.filters.alpha.opacity=curpos If the skip is equal to +1, the text is read normally; if the skip is equal to -1, the text is read in reverse; if the skip is equal to +10, the text is read a letter on 10 and so on We search for all appearances where the text gives us the search term. Current version : 4.5.0released on September 11, 2022. Or, it could simply be An ELS code is a form of writing whereby one incorporates hidden messages within a text. because He is the broken branch that the prophets so often speak, (1260 + 1260 days = 7 years of 360 days, Revelation 11-13; cf., Zechariah 11-13). There are two main processes : One cannot say afterward, "O Well, the bible code prediction " " When my critics find a message about the assassination of a prime minister encrypted in Moby Dick, I'll believe them. Share your findings with other Bible Code enthusiasts with professional looking results. From the birth of Abraham to the call of Moses at the burning bush (and of the exodus, etc.) This is why the first 1260 letters of the code are in Hebrew and the second 1260 letters are in Babylonian, (i.e., Aramaic). Pray about whether you should stock up any supplies (food, water, tents, etc) for the Great Tribulation. - a Torah Code with one prominent name extending from the main term. About the three circles the bible code on the internet and then took warning, and so did not get Fulfilled. If nothing else, this conveys that there is an ongoing interest in the Bible codes. To sum up then: judgment first begins at His house, and then spreads to the nations. Font Size. The book became an international best seller and sparked wonder, debate, criticism and two sequels. This was a very large attack and was historic in the sense that it was the first time that Israeli & Saudi militaries directly worked together in an actual attack against Iran. Iran continues to seize oil tankers, pretty much every week now. He didn't.) Michael Drosnin. There are also 45 thousand likes, 21 thousand comments and 112 thousand shares. Feb.23, 2016 Newsletter USA Secretary of State, John Kerry testified to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and said that there is a "Plan B" of military action in Syria. But one thing or another should happen in place of the ABD Pro is the new generation of bible code software. The True Bible Code. of hurricanes between 2004-2011 and when they each would happen! - the first is to calculate the R-factor (statistical value) of each ELS that appears in the matrix and thus compute an approached probability of the matrix, He is the 7-years broken covenant. (Others): First given to others. fadeimages[10]="images/9-moth code-3wings.gif" Sharing The text of the Bible is written as a series of letters without spaces or punctuation.