(Source, Source), POSITION: Leader of Caborca Cartel in Guaymas, Empalme Area (Source), PROFILE: Juan Pablo Navidad is believed to be the leader of the Caborca Cartel operations within the municipalities of Guaymas and Empalme. (, Some sources such as Riodoce have alleged that in December 2020, Rafael Caro Quintero made various trips to create peace between El R and Los Salazars leader Jos Crispn Salazar Zamorano (, ) Regardless of the validity of these reports, the violence between Los Salazar and the lieutenants reporting to El R continued in 2021. DESCRIPTION: The state of Sonora is a strategic location for drug trafficking given its proximity to the US state of Arizona. The canvases were hung during the early hours of Saturday 3 on the elevated bridge on Quiroz and Mora Street. Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. (, ) Some social media users have connected El Chapo Peln to the recent June 2021 execution of Jesus Huerta Miranda in Morelos la Cruver and the June 2021 immolation of 3 day laborers Campo Santa Ins. The authorities know this very well and act like they cant see whats happening. (, PROFILE: He was named as a Sonora cartel leader in the 2021 narcomanta addressed to AMLO. (, ) El Pelo Chino was reportedly arrested in 2005 and sent to Puente Grande prison in Jalisco state. Tres frentes criminales detrs de violencia en Sonora, Mxico. Speedy people are heavy here in Phoenix. Lucky he did not kill poppy, they trusted each other with reason, they both were/used CIA for their dirty purposes since Bay of Pigs, Then menso and his band of tweekers cjng are the kings of snitching. Man since BB came back from hiatus there seems to be no moderation to speak of. source? Ir a la seccin principal de la pgina. This Saturday the 3rd, the Mexican president was going to inaugurate a National Guard facilities in Caborca, according to the official Presidency agenda. Y es que en la colonia Urbi Villa, el municipio de Ciudad Obregn fue hallado el cuerpo sin vida [] Prez Flores asserted that part of El 70s execution operation involved an immolation burial site in Ortiz, Sonora. Criminal groups are known to tax mining companies, extort workers, and illegally extract minerals from these lands. El Ser has been linked to the murder of the soccer player of the Los Cholos de Tijuana team, Luis Cano "El Titi. The cartel is made up of several members of the Caro Quintero clan. (Source, Source). (Photo via Twitter @niporwifi) MEXICO CITY More than a dozen vehicles filled with cartel gunmen . Los Paleteros were led by Felix Adolfo Jauregui Meza, alias "El Paletero," who was killed in 2013. Los informes prevn que habr otro arribo del mismo grupo criminal en la noche. (, ) Vanguardia asserts that this November 2020 homicide, which is allegedly captured on video, was due to Pablito believing the homicide victim had stolen an Xbox from his possession. How Empalme is divided between El Pitayo and El Oliver is unclear at this time. Circula rumor de su muerte en una clnica de Guadalajara, Trailero desarm a asaltantes y mat a dos en la Mxico-Veracruz, Sguenos en Google Noticias para mantenerte siempre informado, Atienden en Chiautzingo 16 incendios en zonas boscosas y pastizales, RATEROS golpearon durante asalto a un empleado de Coppel en Tehuacn, Jess, de 15 aos de edad acab con su vida al ahorcarse Miahuatln, El Poder Judicial es el que no reacciona en el caso Monzn, Llaman a diputados a sacar pendientes y acabar con el rezago legislativo, VIDEO. El Picipi is originally from San Ignacio Rio Muerto and reportedly has a presence in Guadalajara, Jalisco (, El Picipi has been accused of organizing certain La Plaza crimes such the September 2019 arson that killed two children in Empalme, the September 2019 homicide of police Commander Gustavo Nafarrate and the murder of a Marine in an ambulance in October 2020. Socios de Expedia pueden ahorrar hasta el 30% al agregar un hotel a su vuelo. Miami authorities reportung Surfside condo collapse death toll is at 22. - A travs de las redes sociales, familiares de la Joven Erika Altamirano Maciel, confirman su muerte, luego de que fue localizado su vehculo incinerado con sus restos en el interior del mismo. Bunch of lame pochos drinking too many bud lights thinking they need to cheerlead murderers who ordinary Mexicans despise. Quintero has been in hiding since his 2013 release from a Mexico prison, but narco-banners, media reports and statements by authorities claim he has emerged as the head of a new group, the Caborca Cartel, to regain control of Sonora. (, He is a head of sicarios for La Plaza. (Source), POSITION: Head of Sicarios in Guaymas (Source), POSITION: Execution Arm under El Castro, PROFILE: El Monkey allegedly directly reports to El Castro and serves as the execution arm on Castros behalf. In 2013, after Caro Quintero had served 28 years of his 40 year sentence, a Jalisco State court ruled Caro Quintero should be released on the basis that he had been improperly tried in a federal court for a crime that should have been treated as a state offense. At the time of the sanction, El Gigio was accused of working under El Chapo, El Mayo, and Gonzalo Inzunza Inzunza, alias El Macho Prieto as the Nogales plaza boss. In Caborca, Sonora, in the dominions of the capo Rafael Caro Quintero, a couple of narco tarps were placed with messages to AMLO, who is on a three-day tour of the entity. (, PROFILE: One of the Meraz brothers. He is the former leader of operations in Sonora for the Beltrn Leyva Cartel. Aunque no se ha confirmado oficialmente fuentes confiables que estuvieron en el lugar de . Padres y esposas claman para que les regresen a sus seres queridos que fueron privados de la libertad durante ms de seis horas de guerra entre grupos criminales, en Caborca, Sonora. La grabacin, de un minuto y 17 segundos de duracin, mostr a dos elementos del cuerpo de seguridad . El pasado 2 de julio trascendi el enfrentamiento registrado en Sonora, el cual deriv en la detencin de cuatro personas, entre ellas, Francisco "N", "El Duranguillo", quien es uno de los principales generadores de violencia en el rea de Caborca, Altar, Pitiquito, Oquitoa, Atil y Tabutama, Sonora, as lo dio a conocer la Secretara de la Defensa Nacional (Sedena). True, that and the cjng fans are really embarrassing. Narcos: Mexico season 1 ends with the DEA arresting Rafa Caro Quintero and then finding Kiki's body. (. El J3 y el chango y los que salen en esta historia son puros pendejos que ponen para que den la cara. Skipped town went to mex, did his thing to get where he is now (give him credit for getting to where he is now) but he's no one. Golpe al Crtel de Caborca: vinculan a proceso a Carlos "N", sobrino de Rafael Caro Quintero. I dont give two shits about him. (, ) His group has an alliance with the Caborca cartel. Ciudad de Mxico.-Un nuevo golpe fue colocado en la cpula del denominado Crtel de Caborca este mircoles 1 de marzo, luego de que Carlos "N", reconocido como el sobrino de Rafael Caro . The U.S. government named the alleged head of the Sinaloa Cartel's operations in Nogales, Sonora as a drug-smuggling kingpin on Tuesday and froze his financial assets north of the border. Lmao hahaha bro, like I said Speedy does his thing I give him that, he's connected but to Flaquito and that's where it ends. (, He is alleged to be the head of sicarios for El Picipis La Plaza group. The administration of US President Barack Obama released a statement saying they were deeply concerned by Caro Quinteros release. These people are true POS and need to be exterminated. (, PROFILE: Milko allegedly reported directly to Caborca Cartel boss Chapo Alfredo. Son of Emilio Quintero Payan, brother of Emilio Sajid Quintero, alias El Cadete, and the cousin of Rafael Caro Quintero. BLING88 adalah situs game slot online yang menawarkan pengalaman bermain yang menyenangkan dan menghasilkan uang asli. He and his brother El Mankio were executed by a lone gunman in Ciudad Obregon, Sonora on January 11, 2020 (Source, Source, Source), PROFILE: El Primo was the cousin of El Antena and the owner of the restaurant "La Palapa Del Bucanero". Rafael Caro Quintero. Come on bro you're honestly either a huge speedy fanboy, his best friend or just delusional. He allegedly coordinates drug dealing activities in several areas such as: Libertad, Posadas del Sol, Las Fuentes, Prados del Tepeyac, Las Brisas, and Benito Jurez. [4][5] Since the beginning of 2020, various drug messages awarded to the Caborca Cartel commonly left after armed confrontations, stating that Caro Quintero comes through the territories that "belong to him. When Ignacio was arrested in 2013, Los Paez experienced a power vacuum in the region. They, along with El Gigio, are believed to have participated in the Sinaloa Cartel cleansing of the Beltran Leyva organization in Agua Prieta, Nogales, Santa Ana, Tubutama area around 2009. They have strong El Mayo associations within the Sinaloa Cartel and they are closely aligned with the Caborca Cartel. (. I couldnt believe what I was reading. 6 enero 2023 2 Comentarios. This page was last edited on 28 November 2022, at 14:11 (UTC). He's wanted by LAPD for drug sales, bailed out with part of the 10% bail not even the full. Regular towns folk are not going to spend the money it costs to print these pretty large mantas nor are they going to spend to have 3 of them made. Jess Salas Aguayo "El Chuyn" Armed Wing: Los Linces ~~~ Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes "El . Actividades Actividades. Over time during the rise of El Chapo, Los Paez formed alliances with Sinaloa Cartel groups/cells like Los Paleteros and Los Saboris who were affiliated with the clan of Los Salazar, a family that ran the state of Sonora for El Chapo. At 6:30 in the afternoon he will be in Nogales to present the advances in urban improvement and tomorrow at 10:00 he will be in Cananea. After Octavios murder in 2004, the control of Los Paez fell under Ignacio Paez Soto, alias "El Nachillo" and/or "C1." Medios locales reportan al menos 9 personas privadas de la libertad y cuatro asesinadas. The federal report alleges El Pelo Chinos discreetness may put him ahead of El R as a potential successor to Rafael Caro Quintero. BB Do a article of the Caro/Payan family tree line ! I love writing and researching about cartel activity in Tijuana. Tras la detencin de uno de los narcotraficantes mexicanos ms buscados por EE.UU, una de las agrupaciones criminales ms recientes buscarn su hegemonia en los municipios de Caborca, Guaymas y Magdalena de Kino, en el estado mexicano de Sonora. In February 2021, La Cara was accused of attacking the home of the grandmother of El Durango from Los Cazadores. [2][3], According to the Secretariat of the Navy, it warned of the growing conflict between criminal cells Los Pez and/or Los Paleteros (led by Rodrigo Pez Quintero, nephew of Rafael Caro Quintero) and Los Cazadores together with Los Salazar, (cells related to the Sinaloa Cartel), causing an increase in intentional homicides in the state of Sonora. Guess it was worth a shot. Esto es Caborca, nuestro alcalde Abraham Mier, esta es la realidad, no el Caborca bonito, como l quiere ver, esta es la realidad, triste y lamentable. - Rafael Len Pineda pic.twitter.com/NIpD88kCQf. A cluster of municipalities in central Sonora. He began his criminal career as a gunman in the company of his brothers "Pancho Antena", "El Mankio" and "El Indio", who were all dedicated to assassinating people for hire in Obregon City. They know where Caro is , but he is protected, he knows to much. Translate Tweet. PROFILE: La Cara de Cochi leads the armed wing of the Caborca Cartel, which is known as La Barredora 24/7. (Source), On March 4 2021, El Pablito was arrested in Atizapn de Zaragoza, State of Mexico. Pregntale a quien sea de la clicka y te dirn lo mismo pendejo where did I get that J3 is not a high ranking member haha because i know them dumb fuck. (Source, Source) He was named as part of the cartel leaders operating in Sonora in the 2021 narcomanta addressed to AMLO. Abraham Mier relat que los supuestos sicarios de la delincuencia organizada irrumpieron en varios domicilios, realizaron disparos contra fachadas de viviendas y se llevaron a un grupo indeterminado de pobladores. Video: Elementos de La Guardia Nacional son captados echndose un "Perico" en horas de trabajo. According to an OPD report, officers with the intelligence division received information Brandon Lee (Source) Known associates of El Pablito include Chapo Alfredo, from Los Olivas. Cada vez se pone ms intensa la disputa por el estado de Sonora en la que Los Salazar, brazo armado del Crtel de Sinaloa (CDS) y el Crtel de Caborca encabezado por Rafael Caro Quintero, alias el Narco de Narcos, se pelean el control del narcotrfico. En una fotografa de 2020, un polica local hace guardia en una avenida de la ciudad de Caborca, Sonora. (. Mr. Andres Manuel Lpez Obrador. Mxico: el narco se disputa Caborca, en la frontera con EEUU. This message goes out to the president of the Republic. (Source) Similar to El Castros alleged background, some social media users claim that El Monkey was a Secretara de Marina (SEMAR) soldier prior to becoming a hitman in service of La Plaza. This family was linked to the Sinaloa Cartel and the Beltran Leyva brothers (BLO). Constantes estruendos de rfagas de armas de fuego de grueso calibre y reportes de caravanas de vehculos con hombres armados, hicieron que los habitantes de . Detrs de la violencia estn el presunto retorno de un viejo narcotraficante, las disputas internas del Cartel de Sinaloa y la ofensiva por parte del Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacin. (, ) Alleged known associates of El Chapo Peln include the hitman Luisito Quijano. Pura gente del sombrero, My comment before the one about 6-3 didnt get posted I guess but in it I explained exactly what my source is fuckhead, Shame El Durango didnt get to finish the job. "Pensando en la seguridad de los caborquenses, hemos tomado la decisin de suspender todo evento deportivo . They move around here with impunity doing and undoing things while affecting the townspeople. A travs de redes sociales se exhibi el momento en que elementos de la Guardia Nacional estaban presuntamente inhalando cocana durante su servicio. El 20 has been accused of being involved in the July 2020 execution of a Santa Ana state police commander named Daniel Hernndez. El R is the nephew of both Miguel and Rafael Caro Quintero. Esta vez no solo se pasearon por la zona, adems asesinaron a dos personas y se llevaron a dos jvenes, uno de ellos es hijo de una periodista: pic.twitter.com/HbpqaGplxx. On the day of March 4 2021, El Milko had just driven out of a luxury housing complex when he was shot in broad daylight, in the middle of the street by a group of armed men. The cartel is made up of several members of the Caro Quintero clan. (Source, Source, Source), PROFILE: Milko allegedly reported directly to Caborca Cartel boss Chapo Alfredo. (. "There is no complete evidence, its only known that this (the Altar Desert) was an area that he always dominated; now there have been different names of crime figures, which most likely will have to do or not because the Secretariat has no evidence", manifested. All three have since died and their plazas (San Jose Bacum, San Ignacio Rio Muerto) were possibly inherited by El Antena. Son gente que trabaja normal y yo no s de los otros, pero es una comunidad chica que es gente muy trabajadora de por s, y bueno jvenes, ojal los devuelvan con vida, es lo que queremos, estamos pidiendo por ellos. @3:06 the irony is you're the only one who's used those words. Argument que un comando de centenas de sicarios no pueden ser enfrentados por sus elementos y no se trata de arriesgarlos. El R is the nephew of both Miguel and Rafael Caro Quintero. Cuz yo smelly boy ? [9][10][11], Last edited on 28 November 2022, at 14:11, "El resurgimiento de Caro Quintero, el "Narco de Narcos": Crtel de Caborca disputa Sonora a los "Chapitos", "El Crtel de Jurez y de Caborca: la violenta alianza que se estara dando en el hampa de Mxico", "Caro Quintero: un imperio criminal, la condena de 28 aos y su inesperado regreso con el Crtel de Caborca", "Se disputan Caborca 4 grupos criminales; son escisiones del Crtel del Pacfico", "Hijos del "Chapo" y Crtel de Caro Quintero desatan guerra en desierto de Sonora", "Crtel de Caborca, el regreso de Rafael Caro Quintera", "Dirige Caro Quintero el crtel de Caborca", "Capturan al capo de la droga Rafael Caro Quintero, el hombre ms buscado por la DEA", "Choix, Sinaloa, el sitio donde la Marina detuvo a Caro Quintero", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Caborca_Cartel&oldid=1124353995, This page was last edited on 28 November 2022, at 14:11. The government already knows too thats why he has it out there, 8:29look up bajafelix on Reddit and look at his postlook up el speedy by Miguel comando. Los Paleteros were led by Felix Adolfo Jauregui Meza, alias "El Paletero," who was killed in 2013. Un par de elementos de la Guardia Nacional fueron captados consumiendo presunta cocana. But really, it's mostly just a lot of chimp chatter. Where is Rafael Caro Quintero? Estoy con los nervios de punta, yo si viv lo que ustedes no vivieron, la balacera, patearon las puertas, le quebraron el carro a mi prima, nos rempujaron, todos los vidrios de todos los departamentos quebraron, expresa una mujer con voz llorosa y temblorosa, y graba a un hombre tirado en el suelo, al parecer privado de la vida. Nadie durmi", cuenta la mujer, que prefiere no dar su nombre por miedo a represalias del narco. (Source) Early in his life, he operated in Jalisco and Morelos, mainly as a lieutenant to some major capo. (, ) Early in his life, he operated in Jalisco and Morelos, mainly as a lieutenant to some major capo. Adems, la polica de Sonora detall que en el vehculo donde fueron asesinadas las dos personas se encontraron drogas y que se inici la investigacin por los hechos.. En los videos que circulan en redes sociales se observa a los alumnos del Centro de Bachillerato Tecnolgico Industrial y de Servicios (CBTIS) 37 ubicado en Cajeme resguardarse ante los disparos que se escuchaban muy cerca. All three have since died and their plazas (San Jose Bacum, San Ignacio Rio Muerto) were possibly inherited by El Antena. OTHER NAMES: Los Siete Demonios The demonios section is wrong. On a per capita basis, Caborca was the 21st most violent municipality in Mexico last year with a total of 102 homicides, according to data compiled by crime monitoring website elcri.men. The individuals responsible for all of this are Felipe de Jesus Sosa Canisales aka El Gigio or El Yiyo, Leonardo Lopez aka El 20, Ramon Quintero Pez aka El Tiko, Jose Gil Caro Quintero, and Rodrigo Pez Quintero. "[6] It was until January 2021 when federal intelligence sources confirmed that Caro Quintero runs the cartel. Mexicos Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam said in a statement that he was worried about the courts decision. El Milko was reportedly in the city for the purpose of high-level coordination of drug distribution from Acapulco to warehouses within Mexico City and to the port, where they would be smuggled out by sea. They are competing against rival gang members for control of Magalena de Kino, Santa Ana, Imuris, and Cucurpe. (Source, Source, Source), PROFILE: El R is believed to be the day-to-day leader of the Caborca Cartel. Top down, not a detail spared. On June 4 2021, he was gunned down in Guasave city, Sinaloa as he arrived at a medical center. . Other known associates of El 20 include "El Coyotito and "El 6-3", who leads the region surrounding Hermosillo with El Negro previously reporting to him. Cuz yo smelly boy ? You're tripping bro This man really said the washed up boxer turned Narco Speedy mares is bigger than Ramon Arellano Felix, a founding member of the original CAF. The agents evidently declined the offer and he was handed over to the Federal Attorney Generals Office in Mexico City. [1] The group allied with the Jurez Cartel to dispute the areas of Sonora and Chihuahua, having regrouped their forces and deciding to dispute the territory of his former partner Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzmn. The Attorney Generals Office (FGR) secured an arrest warrant for El Pablito based on his probable participation in a homicide in Mexico City that occurred November 2020. (, He as been tied to Sonora Sinaloa Cartel figures such as El Jabal and El Negro Sabori. Ms opciones de viaje. Vuelos Vuelos. Rodrigo Paez Quintero. Trade mark of Snitchaloas. where did you get J3 is not a high-ranking member? But nice try contras. Ask the government for help. Unknown October 15, 2020 at 7:58 AM. Y'all acting like it was Michoachangos who got snitched on. La Plaza has an armed cell known as xS, not to be confused with "Los Xs" the Tamaulipas/Chihuahua organization which is entirely different. CIUDAD DE MXICO.- Extraditan a Estados Unidos a sobrino de Rafael Caro Quintero.. La Fiscala General de la Repblica (FGR) entreg en extradicin al Gobierno de los Estados Unidos a Ismael . He and his brother El Indio were executed by a lone gunman in Ciudad Obregon, Sonora on January 11, 2020 (Source, Source), POSITION: Plaza Boss of San Ignacio Rio Muerto - Former (Source), PROFILE: One of the Meraz Brothers He was the plaza boss of San Ignacio Rio Muerto. In July 2020, a four-day shootout broke out in Ures near El Negros home. The Olivas family first grew to prominence in the cartel world under the auspices of the Beltrn Leyva brothers who led the Beltrn Leyva Organization (BLO). Sorry People listen to Almo there is no Narco Volience. They also mention that the main objective of Caro Quintero has been to dispute the territory of Sonora with the faction of Los Chapitos and Los Salazar, led by the sons of Guzmn. Trump still having loser tour and ask donation from his stupid followers. Todo indica que el "Narco C5" estaba al servicio del Crtel de Caborca, cuyo lder criminal en Quintana Roo sera Martn Quintero, sobrino de Jos Gil Caro Quintero. BLING88 Situs Slot Gacor Hari Ini dengan Link Slot88 dan Pragmatic Play Terbaru. Tamaulipas, despus de que casi son linchados por Narco-Familiares de los sicarios detenidos Estaban muy . You're the same nutthugger who was really sad that Speedy Mares wasn't posted on the "High Ranking Cartel Members in Baja California" a couple months back right?? If you can operate independent when needed than you have Capo status, Speedy works for someone and is just being used until he dies or arrested which won't be long. In May 2013, the United States Department of the Treasury designated El Gigio under the Kingpin Act for alleged organized crime activity. Sonora.- Caborca, ciudad sonorense al noroeste de Sorona, . (, ) He has been accused of being involved in the September 2019 arson that killed two children in Empalme, along with El Picipi. The Gulf of California, also known as the Sea of Cortes (Mar de Cortes), has long been used by drug traffickers to move drugs closer to the US-Mexico border. On the day of March 4 2021, El Milko had just driven out of a luxury housing complex when he was shot in broad daylight, in the middle of the street by a group of armed men. (, PROFILE: El Monkey allegedly directly reports to El Castro and serves as the execution arm on Castros behalf. (Source). Authorities say that Caro Quintero has taken advantage of the internal disputes in the Sinaloa Cartel to establish a foothold in Caborca, a Sonoran municipality that borders Pima County, Arizona, United States. Lmao what does Speedy mares have to do with Caborca and Sonora in general. ; Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0; additional terms may . That story is not relevant to this discussion at all. Corridos such asEl Party del Chapo Trini report that the family has roots in Badiraguato, Sinaloa where many other Sinaloa Cartel kingpins originate. In the attack two state police officers were injured and three gunmen were killed. (, ) He was named as part of the cartel leaders operating in Sonora in the 2021 narcomanta addressed to AMLO. (Source, Source), PROFILE: He reports to Juan Pablo Quintero and Tony Navidad, the leaders of the Guaymas, Empalme area for the Caborca cartel. En la actualidad el grupo tiene una sangrienta disputa con la clula delictiva . He's Flaauitos secretary and that's all he is. 5:59 que te valga verga gey, Find the sign maker and make him or her sing LoL. The messages were immediately withdrawn by the municipal police, and in the images shared by the Ariete de Caborca portal, the dominant presence of Rafael Caro Quintero, R1, family and companions is denounced. He was executed by a hitman while he was in the parking lot of his restaurant in Obregon city on July 25 2020. Another of the narco messages hanging in Caborca. DESCRIPTION: The Caborca Cartel, also known as the Sonora Cartel, is a criminal group based in the northern state of Sonora and reportedly led by infamous drug kingpin Rafael Caro Quintero. He may do his own deals here and there and he may use his name on the deals he does but I guarantee you it's most likely Flaauitos doing and it's smart. Hey ELMO why you no get wee wee pee pee ? His organization began with fee collection (cobra de piso) on owners of video game machines, cigarette vendors, the fees have escalated to affect small merchants and those of the Yaqui tribe. (Source), He as been tied to Sonora Sinaloa Cartel figures such as El Jabal and El Negro Sabori. (Source, Source), PROFILE: He is the brother of To Bencel. Los Sabori were led by Raul Flavori Cisneros, alias "El Negro", who was arrested in 2011. Case in point July 3 @ 1050pm:"Hey ELMO why you no get wee wee pee pee ? Lmao come on bro you fucking wish. It is worth noting that many news publications tie La Plaza to the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generation (CJNG), referring to them as a CJNG group.